Friday, March 25, 2016

Social Security Informs

You may have heard that some of our rules about claiming retirement benefits are 
changing. Last November, Congress passed legislation to close loopholes that had 
allowed some married couples to receive higher benefits than intended. We 
estimate less than 0.2 percent of total Social Security retirement and survivor’s 
beneficiaries used these claiming strategies in 2014.

Closing these loopholes helps restore fairness and strengthens Social Security’s 
long-term financing. For details about the closed loopholes, visit our Social Security 
Matters blog post.

Please tell your members and constituents why Congress made these changes in
the law. While you have their attention, you may also want to remind them about 
the advantages of waiting to claim retirement benefits. That hasn’t changed.

Thank you for helping us to keep the public informed!


J. Jioni Palmer

Associate Commissioner for External Affairs
(T) 410-965-1804

For the latest Social Security News, check out the latest edition of the Social Security Update.

Secure Today and Tomorrow! Create a my Social Security account at

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