Wednesday, April 20, 2016

News from the Federal Trade Commission - April 2016

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News from the Federal Trade Commission - April 2016

Volkswagen’s “Clean Diesel” Claims

The FTC filed a complaint against Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. for making deceptive advertising claims about its diesel engine automobiles. Under its Volkswagen and Audi brands, Volkswagen allegedly sold or leased more than 550,000 vehicles with concealed, illegal “defeat devices.” The defeat devices contained software hiding the fact that the vehicles’ emissions greatly exceeded government emissions standards. VW extensively promoted its “Clean Diesel” vehicles as environmentally friendly, having low emissions, and being legally compliant.

Lord & Taylor’s Paid Advertising Ploy

According to an FTC complaint, Lord & Taylor failed to reveal that it paid 50 fashionistas and an online fashion magazine to praise one of its dresses on Instagram and in an online article, all as part of an ad campaign. The FTC says what looked like independent reviews actually were ads dressed up as honest opinions, with no mention that these were paid promotions. The FTC’s proposed settlement prohibits Lord & Taylor from misrepresenting paid advertising as independent, objective opinions.

Deceptive Cancer Charities Settle Charges

Cancer Fund of America (CFA) and Cancer Support Services (CSS) agreed to settle charges brought by the FTC, all 50 states, and the District of Columbia that, while those two groups claimed to help cancer patients, they actually spent the overwhelming majority of donations on their operators, families and friends, and fundraisers. According to the order, CFA and CSS will shut down and their assets will be liquidated. There also is a judgment against CFA, CSS, and their leader, James Reynolds, of $75,825,653 – the amount consumers donated between 2008 and 2012.

All-Natural Personal-care Products?

Four companies agreed to settle charges that they misrepresented their skin care products, shampoos, and sunscreens as “all natural” or “100% natural,” when they actually contained synthetic ingredients. The FTC says the claims appeared in both product labels and product ads. The companies have agreed to proposed orders to stop saying a product is 100% natural unless they have reliable evidence to back up the claim. The orders also would require proof for any claims the companies make about a product’s environmental or health benefits. The proposed orders are subject to public comment through May 12, 2016, after which the Commission will decide whether to make the orders final. The Commission issued a complaint against a fifth company, California Naturel, seeking the same relief.

FTC Says Company Blocked Access to Low-Cost Pain Meds

The FTC charged Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. and several other drug companies with violating antitrust laws by using pay-for-delay settlements to block consumers’ access to lower-cost generic versions of two prescription pain medications, Opana ER and Lidoderm. “This lawsuit reflects the FTC’s commitment to stopping pay-for-delay agreements that inflate the prices of prescription drugs and harm competition, regardless of the form they take,” said FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez. The FTC’s case seeks to stop the defendants’ conduct, disgorge their ill-gotten gains, and bar them from similar deals in the future.

"The FTC and our state enforcement partners have ended a pernicious charity fraud that syphoned hundreds of millions of dollars away from well-meaning consumers, legitimate charities, and people with cancer who needed the services the defendants falsely promised."

Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection

In the Highlights

The FTC’s Annual Highlights of 2015 shows the agency’s accomplishments in enforcement, policy and consumer education, as well as the top consumer complaints. An infographic summarizes the work and complaint data for 2015, including top complaints about debt collection, identity theft, and imposter scams.

Fake Debt Collector Network Shut Down

The Illinois Attorney General and the FTC got a federal court in Chicago to shut down a network of fake debt collectors allegedly trying to collect phantom debt that consumers don’t actually owe. According to the FTC, the defendants also provided the bogus debt portfolios to other collectors, who then tried to collect on them.

Robocalling Pitchmen Take a Permanent Vacation

Orlando-based telemarketing company USA Vacation Station settled FTC charges that the company made millions of illegal robocalls to sell vacation packages. Under the order, the company and its owner are permanently banned from making robocalls.

Your Money Back

The FTC is returning money to people affected by three different cases. Consumers never have to pay money or provide information before they can cash refund checks from the FTC. Want information about the FTC’s refund program? Visit
More than $33,000 is going back to people who lost money to Wealth Education, Inc., a company that allegedly charged homeowners an up-front fee for mortgage relief services they never received.
The FTC is mailing 1,701 checks totaling more than $596,000 to people who lost money to Kirit Patel, Broadway Global Master Inc. and In-Arabia Solutions Inc., which, the FTC says, ran a deceptive debt collection scheme.
The FTC is also mailing 2,172 refund checks totaling nearly $210,000 to people who bought “disinfectant” devices from Zadro Health Solutions, Inc., which claimed their devices “safely kill 99.99%” of targeted bacteria.


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Monday, April 18, 2016

FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION: Getting scammers off the street

FTC and its partners get scammers off the street

The FTC protects consumers by stopping unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace. We conduct investigations, sue outfits and individuals that break the law, and inform people and businesses about their rights and responsibilities. In 2015, the FTC filed more than 100 law enforcement actions, obtained more than 175 orders against defendants, and refunded more than $22 million to consumers.
The FTC is a civil law enforcement agency. That means that while we can’t put people in jail, many of our partners can — and do — including the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Attorneys, and other federal and state criminal law enforcers. When FTC cases include behavior that also violates criminal laws, we let criminal prosecutors know.
That’s where the FTC’s Criminal Liaison Unit (CLU) comes in. It helps increase the criminal prosecution of consumer fraud. Since it was formed more than ten years ago, the FTC’s CLU has contributed to the successful prosecution of hundreds of fraudulent telemarketers, phantom debt and mortgage relief scammers, immigration fraudsters and others who prey on American consumers.
Here’s a quick by-the-numbers look at 2015:
  • FTC staff worked on 75 requests for cooperation from criminal law enforcement partners.
  • Thirty-four defendants received jail sentences totaling 175 years.
  • The average sentence was 5.15 years.
  • One defendant got a 25-year sentence.
We have more information about the CLU and the people whose efforts in criminal law enforcement have made a significant contribution to the protection of American consumers.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sling TV launches new $20 package with Fox channels, but no Disney or ESPN

Stream on three devices at once with the new Fox plan

Dish's Sling TV is adding Fox channels to its programming lineup, but they're not going to be part of the existing $20 package. Instead, and this is pretty strange, Sling is launching a new, second $20-per-month subscription package that includes Fox's broadcast network (in select markets only), Fox Sports, FX, and the YES Network. Those come on top of Sling's other channels like A&E, CNN, AMC, HGTV, and Adult Swim, among others.

The new $20 package — available in beta starting today — can be streamed on up to three devices simultaneously. But here's where it all gets weird: this package does not include any of Disney's channels. No Disney Channel. No ESPN. For those, you've got to stick with Sling's original subscription package, and you'll still be limited to one stream at a time. "We are in active discussions with Dish about their multi-stream Sling TV service but we have yet to reach an agreement," an ESPN spokesperson told The Verge. "Our brands and content are best-in-class and would add unparalleled value to this new service." So essentially, Sling TV has now split into two products, depending on which channels you like more; but you can have both of them on the same account if you're willing to pay $40.

Keep in mind that you'll only be able to view live streams of the Fox network in certain markets. Same goes for Fox's regional sports channels. You can enter your address at Sling's website to see what's available, and I'd imagine the Fox side of things becomes way less appealing if you're left without the core broadcast network, but who knows.

This strategy, of splitting into two, identically-priced offerings, is definitely an odd one. Disney and ESPN were what set Sling TV apart when it first launched. But not anymore; Sony's PlayStation Vue, which also offers the channels, recently launched nationwide. So it's a good time for Sling to be offering new content. You're getting more channels, technically, and the multi-streaming option is nice — if you can live without those Disney channels.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Beware of Vacation Package Scam

Florida Consumer E-Alert

Consumer Alert: Beware of Vacation Package Scam

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services issued a consumer alert today warning Floridians and visitors of an ongoing scam offering fraudulent promotional vacation packages. Following the travel industry reporting a sharp increase in the number of complaints related to fraudulent Florida vacation packages, the department advises consumers to be wary of robocalls, emails or faxes offering promotional vacation packages purported to have been offered by legitimate travel agencies, such as Expedia, Travelocity, TripAdvisor and more.

"Consumers should always be cautious when receiving unsolicited phone calls or emails saying that they've won a 'special promotion' or 'free luxury vacation,' said Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam. An educated consumer is the best defense against fraud and deception, and I encourage consumers to accesses our tips and resources at"

Consumers Can Protect Themselves Against Travel/Vacation Scams with the following tips:
  • Find out if the seller of travel is registered with the department and if any complaints have been filed against it.
  • Never give out credit card or checking account numbers over the phone unless the consumer initiated the call and is certain of the company's credentials.
  • Read the entire contract thoroughly, ask questions and do not sign it if there is any doubts about anything.
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Go directly to the legitimate travel booking company website, such as,, and contact the companys customer service department to confirm the promotion.
As the state's clearinghouse for consumer complaints, the department educates the public, investigates complaints and provides mediation on behalf of consumers. The department recovered nearly ū million for Florida consumers last year from moving companies, vehicle repair shops, pawn shops, health studios, telemarketers, sellers of travel and more.

Consumers who believe fraud has taken place can contact the department's consumer protection and information hotline at 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) or, for Spanish speakers, 1-800-FL-AYUDA (352-9832). For more information about the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, visit .
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner

Friday, April 8, 2016

Llega a su limite la cantidad de visas H-1B para el año fiscal

WASHINGTON – El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha alcanzado la cantidad máxima reglamentaria de visas H-1B establecida por el Congreso para el año fiscal 2017. USCIS también ha recibido más de la cantidad límite de 20,000 peticiones H-1B presentadas bajo la exención por estudios de posgrado en los Estados Unidos.

USCIS utilizará un proceso computadorizado, también conocido como lotería, para seleccionar al azar las peticiones requeridas para alcanzar la cantidad máxima de 65,000 visas en la categoría general y las 20,000 visas en la exención de estudios de posgrado.

USCIS primero seleccionará al azar las peticiones de la exención por estudios de posgrado. Las peticiones de exención de estudios posgrado que no sean seleccionadas pasarán a formar parte del proceso de selección al azar para el límite general de 65,000 visas. La agencia rechazará y devolverá las tarifas de presentación de aquellas peticiones sujetas a la cantidad máxima reglamentaria que no sean solicitudes duplicadas y que no sean seleccionadas.

Antes de llevar a cabo la lotería, USCIS completará la aceptación inicial de todas las solicitudes recibidas durante el periodo de presentación, que culminó el 7 de abril. Debido al alto número de peticiones, USCIS aún no pude anunciar la fecha en la que llevará a cabo el proceso de selección al azar.

USCIS continuará aceptando y tramitando peticiones que de alguna otra manera están exentas de la cantidad máxima reglamentaria. Las peticiones presentadas a nombre de actuales trabajadores H-1B que han sido contabilizados previamente contra esta cantidad máxima reglamentaria, y quienes aún retienen su número, no serán contabilizados contra el límite de visas H-1B ordenado por el Congreso para el año fiscal 2017. USCIS continuará aceptando y tramitando peticiones presentadas para:
  • ·         Extender el tiempo que un actual trabajador H-1B puede permanecer en los               Estados Unidos
  • ·         Cambiar las condiciones de empleo de trabajadores H-1B actuales
  • ·         Permitir a los trabajadores H-1B actuales cambiar de empleador
  • ·        Permitir a los trabajadores H-1B actuales trabajar al mismo tiempo en una segunda posición H-1B.

Las empresas estadounidenses utilizan el programa H-1B para emplear a trabajadores extranjeros en ocupaciones que requieren conocimientos altamente especializados en campos como la ciencia, la ingeniería y la programación informática.

Exhortamos a los solicitantes H-1B a suscribirse para recibir actualizaciones sobre la Temporada para Trámite de Solicitudes H-1B sujetas a la Cantidad Máxima Reglamentaria por medio de correo electrónico, a través del enlace que aparece en la página web de la Temporada de Solicitudes para Trámite de Solicitudes H-1B sujetas a la Cantidad Máxima Reglamentaria del Año Fiscal 2016.

Para más información acerca de USCIS y sus programas, por favor visite o síganos en Twitter (@uscis_es), YouTube (/uscis), Facebook(/uscis), y el blog de USCIS blog Compás.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Florida Consumer Newsletter

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
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Tech Support Scams
Tax Fraud

Cybercriminals are no longer targeting victims solely through email messages and fake websites. They’re diversifying their tactics and contacting individuals by telephone, claiming to represent well-known software companies and offering to solve computer problems.

These individuals may claim that they have detected viruses or other malware on your computer to trick you into granting them remote access to your computer, or paying for software you don’t need. The goal of these fraudulent individuals is to make money and access your personal files to steal your identity.

Once scammers have gained your trust, they may ask you to give them remote access to your computer in order to make changes to your settings that could leave your computer vulnerable; try to enroll you in worthless computer maintenance or warranty programs; ask for credit card information so they can bill you for phony services or services you could get elsewhere for free; trick you into installing malware that could steal sensitive data, like user names and passwords; or direct you to websites and ask for your credit card number and other personal information. Regardless of the tactics they use, their intention is to take your money.

If you get a call from someone who claims to be a tech support person, hang up and call the company yourself on a phone number you know to be genuine. A caller who creates a sense of urgency or uses high-pressure tactics is probably a scam artist.

How Can I Avoid Tech Support Scams?
  • Never grant a third party access to your computer unless you can verify that it is a legitimate representative of a computer support team with whom you are already a customer.
  • Never provide credit card or financial information over the phone, especially if you did not initiate the call or it is not from a known and trusted source.
  • Never provide a password over the phone. No legitimate organization will call you to verify your password.
  • If you receive a call claiming there is a virus on your computer, hang up!
Steps to Take if You Become a Victim
  • Update or download security software from a legitimate source and scan your computer. Delete any malware or viruses that may have been downloaded or installed through a third party.
  • Change the passwords for your computer, email and online banking/credit card accounts.
  • Contact your credit card provider and dispute charges for any bogus services rendered or purchases made without your consent.
  • Consider placing a fraud alert on your credit report if you shared personal and banking information with the scammer. Fraud alerts can be administered by calling one of the three major credit report agencies: Experian, Equifax or TransUnion.
For additional information, contact the department at 1–800–HELP–FLA (435-7352), 1–800–FL–AYUDA (352-9832) en Español, or visit
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner

Friday, April 1, 2016

Trade Miami-Dade

March 2016

Welcome to Trade Miami-Dade, the newsletter highlighting the activities of the International Trade Consortium (ITC) Board of Directors and the Economic Development and International Trade Unit (EDIT) of Miami-Dade County.  As the Chair of the ITC, I have the responsibility of engaging our local partners and making new commercial connections around the world.  The advantages of using Miami-Dade County and its superb international trade resources for moving product to and from anywhere in the world are formidable.  Our message is clear: come trade with us, and together we can make Miami-Dade prosper.   We hope you enjoy Trade Miami-Dade, and that you will join us in promoting Miami-Dade County as the Global Gateway.  

  ITC Chair Jose "Pepe" Diaz

The Collectif Cooperation Export Martinique (CCEM) established a trade office at the  Miami Free Zone to promote products from the French Caribbean island in Miami. The grand opening of the trade office was held on March 15, 2016. The Honorable Jose “Pepe” Diaz, Miami-Dade County Commissioner and Chairman of the ITC welcomed guests and stated that "as the Chairman of the International Trade Consortium Board of Directors, I am honored to welcome CCEM to Miami-Dade County." He noted that "we had been working with CCEM and Extreme Chic from Martinique for several years on this project. I look forward growing this partnership." Among the guests were representatives from the Consulate General of France in Miami, the Beacon Council, and other trade organizations. 
Since 2011, CCEM and Extreme Chic have been organizing collective trade missions to Miami-Dade County with the support of the Office of Economic Development & International Trade in the Department of Regulatory & Economic Resources.  After more than five years of hosting numerous business delegations from Martinique, providing research and analysis, developing business contact referrals, Miami-Dade County welcomed the grand opening of the trade office for CCEM.

CCEM is comprised of the following 5 companies/sectors:
CGIT, NASDY and Tana Corp  (IT sector)
Extreme Chic - (Fashion) 
Mike Aviation - (Aviation)
The trade office will assist companies in Martinique with accessing Miami-Dade's superb logistics and trade resources to grow commerce with Latin America and the Caribbean.  Martinique is a region of France, located in the eastern Caribbean Sea with a population 385,000.

 Top: ITC Chair Diaz prepares to cut the grand opening ribbon for the CCEM office.
Bottom: Chair Diaz presents Certificates of Appreciation to CCEM and Extreme Chic.  

EDIT, along with partners City of Miami Gardens Councilman Erhabor Ighodaro, the African Trade Development Center (ATDC), Enterprise Florida and the Miami Free Zone, was pleased to host the Business Roundtable Forum highlighting opportunities in Edo State, Nigeria. The forum brought together visiting dignitaries from local government councils; educational institutions; top executives from the Edo International Business Forum; and South Florida entrepreneurs, trade professionals and economic development organizations interested in expanding trade between South Florida and Africa. ITC-Vice Chair Audrey M. Edmonson welcomed the Roundtable to Miami and reflected on her many years advocating for stronger trade ties between Miami-Dade and Africa. In addition to networking and an open forum, the event featured presentations about business opportunities in Edo State, an overview of the African Trade Development Center, a primer on how to do business in Florida, and a presentation highlighting Miami-Dade's market accessibility to the Americas.

Top: ITC Vice-Chair Edmonson with Roundtable participants.
Bottom: Audience members watch a presentation on trade opportunities with Africa.


A group of young leaders from Latin America participating in FIU’s “Democracy and Good Governance” seminar visited Miami-Dade County in February. The group of elected leaders from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Paraguay met with Miami-Dade County Commissioners Daniella Levine Cava and Juan C. Zapata, who briefed the group about Miami-Dade County government and gave them a tour of the commission chamber.  The delegation was also briefed by EDIT’s Chief, Manny Gonzalez, and senior trade specialist Maria Dreyfus-Ulvert, about trade and Miami-Dade’s role as an important gateway to Latin America and the Caribbean. The seminar was organized by the Institute for Public Management & Community Service.

Miami -Dade County Commissioner Juan C. Zapata (second row, center) with the visiting delegation of young leaders from Latin America.


A delegation of 21 officials from Quang Ninh province, Vietnam, visited Miami-Dade’s Stephen P. Clark Center on March 1, 2016. The delegation, led by Mr. Tạ Duy Thịnh, Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Quang Ninh Province, was interested in learning about Miami-Dade County’s experience in economic development. Manny Gonzalez briefed the delegation about Miami-Dade County and the importance of trade to our community. Miami-Dade's Chief Resilience Officer, Jim Murley, gave them an overview of the environmental challenges Miami-Dade County faces and its impact on business. Finally, GMCVB’s Director of Planning and Research, Bill Anderson, briefed them about tourism and GMCVB’s role in promoting Greater Miami. 

EDIT Chief Manny Gonzalez briefs the delegation from Vietnam about international trade activities in Miami-Dade County.

Miami-Dade Chief Resilience Officer Jim Murley discusses the County's plan for climate change challenges.

Top, from left to right: William Talbert, President & CEO of the GMCVB; ITC Chair Dia;: Manny Gonzalez, Chief, EDIT; and Aline Mandeix-Martin, Office of International Relations, City of Marseille.
Bottom: Marseille delegation visits the University of Miami's Life Science & Technology Park.
As a result of Miami-Dade County’s official visit to Marseille, France, in June 2015, an official delegation from Marseille visited Miami-Dade in February. The Marseille advance team came to prepare for the official visit of the Honorable Jean Claude Gaudin, Mayor of Marseille, and his delegation in September 2016. The team included Aline Mandeix-Martin, Office of International Relations of the City of Marseille; Emilie Pietrini, Division of Economic Projects, City of Marseille; Cyrille Saboya, Marseille Convention Bureau; and Paul Bichat, Head, International Cooperation Department, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille Provence. They expressed their interest in signing a Sister City Agreement with Miami-Dade County. They  met with Commissioner Jose "Pepe" Diaz and representatives of the following organizations: Enterprise Florida, GMCC, GMCVB, MIA, PortMiami, and The Beacon Council. The delegation also visited Venture Hive and UM’s Life Science and Technology Park, which allowed them to identify areas of potential collaboration.  

Board of County Commissioners Chair Jean Monestime recently welcomed a high-level delegation from the Central Bank of Haiti. Leading the delegation from Haiti was Mrs. Georgette Jean-Louis, Director General of the Central Bank and member of the Board. Joining the Director General were Mrs. Yamilee Champagne, member of the Board; Mr. Stephane Heraux, Director of Strategic Organization & Method; Mr. Donald Dejoie, Director of Information & Technology; and Mr. Pierre Michel Maurice Prosper, Convention Center Manager. The purpose of the visit to Miami was to better understand ownership, marketing and operations of convention facilities. EDIT prepared the agenda for the visit that included briefings from the GMCVB, Mr. Max Sklar, Director of Tourism, Culture & Economic Development for the City of Miami Beach, and tours of the Miami Beach Convention Center and the James L. Knight/Miami Convention Center. Our thanks to ITC Board member and President of the Haitian American Chamber of Commerce Mr. Jeff Lozama for the opportunity to assist with this important delegation.

Haiti Central Bank delegation poses with BCC Chair Jean Monestime and representatives of the Haitian American Chamber of  Commerce of Florida.

Delegation at the James L. Knight Center/Miami Convention Center.

A delegation from Uruguay XXI (Uruguay’s Export and Investment Promotion Agency), led by Ms. Cecilia Perez Peña, sectoral specialist, and Ms. Fiorella Bafundo, sectoral specialist, visited Miami-Dade with the objective of learning about Miami’s designation as a Pharma Hub. EDIT organized a series of meetings for them. The Uruguayan delegation met with Mr. Leandro Moreira, Chairman of HTDA (Health Technologies Distribution Alliance), and Miami-Dade’s Aviation Department. The Uruguayan delegation indicated that their country wants to become a pharma hub for the Southern cone and was very interested in learning about Miami’s experience. They extended an invitation for Miami-Dade to bring a delegation to Uruguay to brief companies in this sector about Miami’s designation. As a result of this meeting, HTDA and Uruguay XXI are exploring the possibility of signing an MOU between HTDA and Uruguay XXI, and connect Institute Pasteur in Uruguay with University of Miami’s Life Sciences Center. Both HTDA and Uruguay XXI will continue to share best practices and identify synergies. 

Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez met with the Honorable Pavel Belobradek, Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation of the Czech Republic. During the meeting they discussed ways to strengthen trade and business ties with the Czech Republic, and a possible trade mission to Prague. During their five-day stay in Miami-Dade, the Czech delegation met with ITC’s Chair Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, who provided welcome remarks at the “Czech Business and Investment” seminar organized by the Czech Embassy, the Confederation of Industries of the Czech Republic and EDIT. Following the seminar local businesses had the opportunity to network and establish initial business contacts with nine Czech companies interested in establishing joint ventures and doing business in Florida. One of the objectives of the visit was to increase cooperation on research and development between Czech universities and research centers in Florida. The delegation visited FIU and also met with Miami-Dade County Commissioner Javier D. Souto, with whom they discussed the possibility of establishing collaboration with Miami Dade College in the areas of veterinary and digital industry. The delegation met with Enterprise Florida, the Beacon Council, Emerge Americas and visited PortMiami and Venture Hive.       

Top: Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez (r) shows Czech Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Belobradek (first left of the Mayor) and the others in the delegation the Miami skyline.
Middle:  ITC Chair Diaz makes welcome remarks at the "Czech Business and Investment" seminar.
Bottom: County Commissioner Javier D. Souto and Deputy Prime Minister Belobradek.


During XIII CUMBRE LATINOAMERICANA In February, participants enjoyed the chance to network, create new business opportunities and open horizons for themselves and others. These events, which have in the past been the subject of widespread discussion and led to coordinated actions across 20 Latin American nations, have yielded substantial economic and strategic benefits to their host communities.  Among the topics discussed at the Summit were the role of information technology, social networking and leadership, as well as communication and marketing of government. In addition, the conference showcased winning strategies and campaigns of Latin American governments.  

Hosted at Miami Dade College Wolfson campus, the event featured speakers of great experience to the region, such as the Venezuelan political strategist JJ Rondon; the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox; Carlos Manhanelli from Brazil; Yago de Marta from Spain; Luis David Duque from Colombia; Gonzalo Alonso, Ivan Gamboa and Jaime Narváez of Mexico; and Gustavo Azócar from Venezuela. 
Commissioner Diaz provided the welcoming remarks and represented Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez in the panel on the role of Hispanics in the political and economic development of South Florida. The panel included former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre, former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez, Doral Mayor Luigi Boria and Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz. 

Former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez,  Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre and Doral Mayor Luigi Boria.