Tuesday, July 26, 2016

More Than 102,000 Jobs Created in First Half of 2016

The Office of the 45th Governor of Florida - Rick Scott

Dear Friend,

I am proud to announce that Florida businesses have created more than 102,000 new jobs in the first half of 2016. Our annual job growth rate has outpaced the nation for more than 50 consecutive months, and since 2010, more than 1,127,000 Floridians have found new opportunities to get a job and provide for their families. 

We will continue to work each day to cut taxes, encourage business growth, and make important investments in economic strongholds like our port system so Florida can become a global leader for job creation.

Here are some other points you can share about Florida’s economy with your friends and family: 
  • Private-sector industries gaining the most jobs over the month in June were trade, transportation and utilities with 6,000 jobs; professional and business services with 3,800 new jobs; and education and health services with 2,600 new jobs. ·
  • Florida job postings showed 243,950 openings in June 2016. ·
  • In June, Florida’s 24 regional workforce boards reported more than 31,841 Floridians, including 1,580 veterans, were placed in jobs.
We will continue to do all we can to cut taxes and encourage business growth so Florida can be first for jobs.

Rick Scott

Rick Scott

Governor's Website - www.FlGov.com

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