Thursday, July 21, 2016

FCBF Presents A New 'Safety & Security' Committee

FCBF Presents A New 
'Safety & Security' 

We are exited to present the new Safety & Security Committee spearheaded by Mr. Brian Abbott. If you are interested in signing up for this committee please email to be added the committee*. You will then be advised of the first committee meeting.

If you would like to get involved with any other committee please download this form or email to be added.

About the Committee Chair:

Brian C. Abbott is founder and Partner of AVSEC LLC. Brian has more than thirty years of experience in aviation security and logistics with the United States (U.S.) Air Force as a Colonel, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration as a Special Agent, the U.S Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a Special Agent and Dangerous Goods and Cargo Security Manager, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as Cargo Supervisor and International Aviation Security Auditor.

Brian Abbott was certified as an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Auditor, IATA Cargo Agent, and is listed in the European Union (EU) Database  EU Database as an Accredited Independent Validators Database, and in the IATA CEIV - Accredited Independent Validators database*. The IATA ACC3 Training is accepted by EU member state authorities and was conducted by the Center of Excellence for Independent Validators (CEIV).

Brian is a professional Instructor for both dangerous goods and air cargo security, and was one of the original instructors at the FAA and TSA Academies to teach new FAA Dangerous Goods Special Agents and TSA Cargo Security Inspectors on the principles of dangerous goods safety and air cargo security.  As a past Special Agent for FAA, TSA Stakeholder Manager, Cargo Supervisor, and International Inspector, Brian was recognized as an international author, speaker and trainer on dangerous goods and cargo security issues, and has made hundreds of informal and formal presentations spanning his career. 

Brian Abbott was a magna cum laude graduate of Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California with a Master of Public Administration degree in Organization and Management.

*Members must in be in good standing to be participate.

"Our mission in serving the Customs Brokers, Forwarders and the Trade Community as a whole, is to act as a forum for the interchange of ideas, promote greater knowledge and understanding among its members, encourage unity of purpose, ideals and ethics in addition to disseminating information of interest to the community and our members while advocating on their behalf."

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