As many focus their attention
on the ongoing negotiations between Cuba and the United States, the
international community and the media have begun to take notice that serious human
rights violations in Cuba are still a major issue.
In fact, while a ceremonial U.S. flag was raised in Havana this past
August 14th, More than 200 nonviolent opposition activists from 23
organizations based in Cuba, and 32 abroad, including representatives
from this Foundation, attended the the first Cuban National Encounter: “Uniting Two Shores,”
a two-day working conference in Puerto Rico. The result was The San Juan Declaration to support meaningful actions and changes to
benefit the Cuban people and not it's repressive government.
In addition, respected global media outlets such as Vice News, among others, have exposed worldwide audiences
to the ongoing persecution and detentions of Cuba's human rights and political activists, including
artists like Danilo Maldonado Machado, "El Sexto," who has been
serving unjust jail time at the infamous Valle Grande prison in Havana
for over 8 months without a trial. All for painting two live pigs last
December meant for an artistic performance.
Fellow activists have responded with the #FreeElSexto campaign along with
a petition for his release via Change.org.
The Foundation has also been keeping track of El Sexto's case, along with
at least 26 other current political prisoners serving time in
Cuban jails. We will continue to shed light on these issues and demand
the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners and
prisoners of conscience in Cuba.
Join us in this vital and ongoing struggle as we unite our voice for freedom,
democracy and human rights in Cuba, as well as to support the
empowerment of independent civil society, without whom there will be no
meaningful change in Cuba.
Click here to help now!
Cuba's attempt to mask access to the real internet by promoting "Communist Computer Clubs for Kids," which only
allow access to a local intranet and pirated content, gave a unique
glimpse into what Cuba's youth is exposed to on the island.
Despite Cuba's limitations, now some American startups want to help by offering
free services and downloads to Cubans to help share access at the
few public Wi-Fi hotspots that currently exist.
Even the Wall Street Journal exposed its readers to
the Cuban government's "longtime distrust" of the
Internet, resulting in extreme censorship as well as costly and limited
access. All this at the expense of the Cuban people, many of which are
"chomping at the bit" to get online.
There is still much work to be done, but if we all work together, we can
finally tear down Cuba's "cyber wall" once and for all.
To see what you can do to help #ConnectCuba, click here!
The FHRC proudly presents the 9th Annual Noche Tropical "Tropicana
2020" Gala on Saturday October 24, in Downtown Miami. With Willy
Chirino headlining the event, and all the hype from last year's gala,
space is filling up fast!
Don't delay and reserve your table and tickets today by
contacting Dominique Klynott at 305-390-2786, Ext. 219, or by email
at DKlynott@FHRCuba.org.
Remember, the FHRC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and all proceeds from the gala
benefit our cause.
Click for
More Info!

would like to take a moment and thank our Tropicana 2020 event producers
and sponsors, WoW Factor, for once again committing to create a truly
"WoW" experience at Noche Tropical this year. Also, we want
share their inspiring and charitable project, Wish for a Wow. This Holiday Season, one lucky winner
will have their wish to come true, as well as the chance to nominate a
local nonprofit who will receive an additional donation from WoW Factor
(of course, if you win, we hope you will choose the FHRC!)
As WoW says, "good things come to those who wish." Please take
a moment to visit their initiative, "where one individual may
be granted a life-changing wish. It could be you."
Click here to learn more!
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