Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Día negro para mercados financieros de Japón y China

Día negro para mercados financieros de Japón y China

Los mercados financieros de Tokio y China, los principales de Asia, se desplomaron hoy por la preocupación sobre la desaceleración de la economía china y reportes mixtos sobre la economía estadounidense.

La Bolsa de Valores de Tokio cerró sus operaciones con fuerte pérdida de 714,27 puntos (4,05 por ciento), al ubicarse su principal indicador, el Nikkei de 225 acciones, en 16 mil 930.84 unidades.

La desconfianza sobre el gigante asiático se vio alimentada por la publicación de indicadores negativos como los beneficios de las principales industrias de China, que cayeron un 8,8 % en agosto, lo que supone la tercera caída consecutiva. Todos los sectores que cotizan en el parqué tokiota registraron pérdidas hoy en el primer tramo de sesión, encabezadas por el de los astilleros, los del acero y el metal y el farmacéutico.

El Nikkei cayó drásticamente, haciéndose eco de fuertes retrocesos en los mercados de renta variable en el extranjero, ya que las preocupaciones sobre la desaceleración de la económica china. A su vez, el Shanghai Composite Index, el principal indicador chino, cayó 62,62 puntos, 2,02 por ciento, para cerrar en tres mil 38.14 unidades, mientras el Shenzhen Component Index perdió 165.63 puntos, 1.64 por ciento, para ubicarse en nueve mil 949.92 enteros.

Las ganancias de las principales industrias de China cayeron 8.8 por ciento anual en agosto, 5.9 puntos porcentuales más que el descenso de 2.9 por ciento que tuvieron en julio anterior, lo que generó pérdidas a las empresas del sector energético y de materias primas.

El dólar también sufre

Mientras tanto, el dólar también se hundía, arrastrado por unas fuertes pérdidas en Wall Street luego de los débiles datos chinos que reavivaron las preocupaciones sobre su frágil economía.

En los mercados de divisas, el índice dólar, que sigue el desempeño de la moneda estadounidense contra una canasta de seis divisas importantes, restaba un 0,2%, a 95,816, extendiendo su caída de un 0,4% en la sesión anterior. Frente a la moneda japonesa, el dólar restaba un 0,4% a 119,44 yenes.

Los futuros del crudo también se mantenían bajo presión tras caer casi un 3% el lunes, luego que los datos chinos pesimistas avivaron los temores sobre la demanda mundial.

Los futuros del petróleo en Estados Unidos operaban estables en 44,43 dólares por barril, mientras que el crudo Brent de Londres cotizaba en torno a su cierre anterior en USD 47,34 por barril.

Inicio de semana

Este lunes fue un día negro para los mercados mundiales: las bolsas de todo el mundo vieron una caída brutal en sus cifras. Dow Jones cayó más de 1.000 puntos (un 6%), y a raíz de la caída del mercado chino, hubo una venta masiva de acciones. Sin embargo, la liquidación no es un incidente aislado en los mercados bursátiles globales. El último desplome de Shanghái surge mientras que el resto del mundo empieza a preocuparse por el estado de la economía china.

Monday, September 28, 2015

De nuestros amigos de República Dominicana...

Influyente Comisionado tratara Oportunidades Negocios
 y Turismo entre Miami y Republica Dominicana

Miami, Florida, Septiembre 28, 2015 –La FEDERACION DOMINICANA INTERNACIONAL de NEGOCIOS, TURISMO & DESARROLLO, continua desarrollando un extenso calendario de actividades de networking, negocios, comercio, turismo e inversiones, tendentes a promover, difundir, activar e incrementar las oportunidades en estos renglones, entre la Florida y la República Dominicana.  

En OCTUBRE Iro, dentro del marco del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, la FEDERACION celebrara un importante Almuerzo de Negocios, y conferencia, con el Honorable Comisionado José "Pepe" Diaz, del condado Miami-Dade, por el Distrito 12, que abarca las ciudades de Doral, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Sweetwater, Virginia Gardens y Medley, asi como otras áreas del condado, las cuales resultan ser las de mayor actividad comercial con la Republica Dominicana, teniendo a la vez una alta concentración de residentes y propietarios dominicanos, en lo residencial, como lo comercial.  

Pedro Diaz Ballester, Presidente y Fundador de la FEDERACION DOMINICANA INTERNACIONAL, confirmo que el mismo se efectuará en el hotel Doubletree By Hilton Miami Airport Convention Center, de fácil acceso por su ubicación a un lado del expreso 836, detrás del aeropuerto de Miami. Los asistentes, conoceran sobre la situación favorable del comercio actual y oportunidades de negocios y turismo, entre el sur de la Florida, el condado Miami-Dade, y la República Dominicana.

Diaz Ballester, recordó que en el 2014 la Republica Dominicana represento 5.3 BILLONES de dólares para la economía de Miami, siendo el 4to socio comercial, a nivel mundial, del Condado, e informo que ejecutivos desde la Republica Dominicana, han confirmado asistirán al evento.

De igual forma, resalto que el Comisionado Diaz, además de tener bajo su manto esas importantes ciudades, es también el Chairman del Comité de Comercio Internacional y Turismo, de Condado, a la vez que es el Chairman de la Junta del Consorcio para el Comercio Internacional, conocido como ITC, organización que recientemente aprobó, por gestiones de Diaz Ballester y la FEDERACION, una importante Misión Comercial que viajara a la Republica Dominicana, el próximo ano.

Para obtener más información sobre el importante Almuerzo de Negocios en Miami, y cualquier otro evento auspiciado por la FEDERACION, o cómo convertirse en miembro de esta dinámica organización, favor ponerse en contacto vías, oficina (305)901-6390, o en la página

Sobre la Federacion Dominicana Internacional de Negocios y Turismo  

La Federacion Dominicana Internacional de Negocios, Turismo & Desarrollo,  es una organización sin fines de lucro creada para el desarrollo exitoso de negocios internacionales, comercio, turismo, bienes raíces, pequeñas y medianas empresas, tecnología, mercadeo, entre los Estados Unidos de América, Washington, D.C., el estado de la Florida, el sur de la Florida y el condado Miami-Dade, con el sector privado y el gobierno de la República Dominicana, así como algunos otros países, a fin de incrementar relación positiva y mayores resultados.  

Contacto: Ianna Brugal,
Directora de Relaciones Publicas, de la FEDERACION, 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Prepare and Defend:A New Battleground

Prepare and Defend: Civil Defense for the 21st Century. A New Battleground

Register Now
Prepare and Defend: A new battleground in the 21st Century. As security threats continue to develop and new trends are exposed that threaten our private and public sector entities, it is imperative that we stay current on Threats, technology and best practices to mitigate any potential loss and disruption.  Speakers will represent all sectors and locations covering the challenges of preparing and defending  the 21st Century threat landscape.  This program will consist of speakers and panel discussions, upper level FBI, DHS, TSA and Industry Experts, who will address these issues and how the private and public sectors are preparing themselves against such threats.

Attendance: 250+ Including C-Level decision makers in Banking, Communications, Government, Commerce and Others Public Sector Keynote: Donald Good, FBI Deputy Assistant Director of Cyber Private Sector Keynote: Stan Black, Chief Security Officer, Citrix
Sponsors: 20

Event Schedule:
8am - 9am: Breakfast and registration
9am - 9:30: Conference Introductions Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Scott Gilbert, FBI Miami Office, FBI Miami’s mission,. Dr. Eric Ackerman, President, InfraGard S. FL Member’s alliance: InfraGard Mission, Introduce SA Theresa Griffiths, Board Members, Sector Chiefs.
9:30 - 10:15: Public Sector Keynote: FBI Deputy Assistant Director of Cyber, Donald Good
10:15 -10:30: Vendor Break
10:30 - 11:15: Private Sector Keynote: Stan Black, CSO Citrix
11:15 - 12:00: Matthew McCormack CTO RSA Global Public Sector

12:00 - 1:30pm: Lunch and Vendor Break 

PM Speakers, panels: Two tracks 
Management Track 
1:30 – 2:30: Management panel: John Christly Chief Information Security Officer/NSU HIPAA Security Officer, Gary Eppinger, CSO Carnival Corp, Michael Scheidell, CISO Security Privateers
2:30 – 3:15: Paul Plofchan, CPO and Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs, ADT
3:15 – 3:45: Vendor Break
3:45 – 4:30: FBI: Intelligence Analyst Veronica Gilbert, FBI - Homegrown Violent Extremist

Technical Track 
1:30-2:30: Technical panel: Bradley Lide, Security Evangelist SertintyOne, Rob Randell VMware, Americas Director of Systems Engineering for Network & Security Business , Roger Barranco, Sr. Dir., Global Security Operations, Akamai
2:30 – 3:15: Rob Aragao, Security Strategist, HP
3:15 – 3:45: Vendor Break
3:45 – 4:30: FBI: Special Agent Bradley Howell, FBI - Cyber Case All conference attendees:
4:30-5:15: Eric Ackerman and Harry Hunter: Innovation Crisis in the U.S. and Closing Remarks

5:15-7:00: Cocktail Reception, drawings, Vendor Time
More Information
Register Now

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The 2016 Chevy Malibu is every teen’s worst nightmare

Chevrolet will be introducing a safe driving incentive and monitoring program called Teen Driver in the 2016 Malibu, eventually rolling it out across the brand’s lineup. When engaged, Teen Driver silences the stereo system until both driver and passenger seatbelts are fastened, and automatically enables safety measures such as Stability Control, Traction Control, Forward Collision Braking, and Front Pedestrian Braking. 

Using a configurable PIN code, parents also have the ability to set a maximum stereo volume limit and set an over-speed warning alert anywhere from 40mph to 75mph — each time the driver exceeds that speed, the system pings an alarm and registers the infraction.
This is an awesome use of technology to solve the biggest problem with teens driving. It should also let you save money on your car insurance.

I just wish there was a system that alerted other drivers when there is an unsafe driver on the road so you can stay away from them. And maybe take away their license.

Of course none of this will matter in the future. Self-driving cars will eliminate the need to worry about your teenager’s bad driving, and if you can’t afford one, you will be able to get a self-driving Uber with the app on your phone.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

E N M I O P I N I O N: No por mucho madrugar...

Por: Ricardo Tribín Acosta

......amanece más temprano, afirma el viejo dicho, el cual es menos positivo en la acción que aquel que dice " a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda". Pero bueno, lo importante no es tanto alabar a los que se levantan más pronto y criticar a quienes no lo hacen, sino más bien concentrarnos en un diferente aspecto del término madrugar, el cual quisiera trasladar a la acción en lo que  se haga.

Dícese de la procastinacion que este es un defecto grande al que rodean muchos componentes de temor imaginario y que habla más de dejar para mañana lo que podamos hacer hoy, lo cual en general conlleva más de un inconveniente para a aquellos que se amañan en dilatar y postergar, debido al miedo al éxito o al fracaso.

Madrugar en tal sentido conlleva a hacer lo que tengamos que hacer hoy de manera inmediata, evitando incurrir en el acto de pereza de dejarlo para después, pensando siempre en que si algo queda pendiente será bueno programarlo de una en el calendario del día siguiente, lo cual conduce a la consecuencia lógica de la efectividad, base importante de los procesos que conducen a la excelencia, gracias a los excelentes componentes de la proactividad.

Miami, Septiembre 10 de 2015



As many focus their attention on the ongoing negotiations between Cuba and the United States, the international community and the media have begun to take notice that serious human rights violations in Cuba are still a major issue.

In fact, while a ceremonial U.S. flag was raised in Havana this past August 14th, More than 200 nonviolent opposition activists from 23 organizations based in Cuba, and 32 abroad, including representatives from this Foundation, attended the the first Cuban National Encounter: “Uniting Two Shores,” a two-day working conference in Puerto Rico. The result was The San Juan Declaration to support meaningful actions and changes to benefit the Cuban people and not it's repressive government.

In addition, respected global media outlets such as Vice News, among others, have exposed worldwide audiences to the ongoing persecution and detentions of Cuba's human rights and political activists, including artists like Danilo Maldonado Machado, "El Sexto," who has been serving unjust jail time at the infamous Valle Grande prison in Havana for over 8 months without a trial. All for painting two live pigs last December meant for an artistic performance.

Fellow activists have responded with the #FreeElSexto campaign along with a petition for his release via

The Foundation has also been keeping track of El Sexto's case, along with at least 26 other current political prisoners serving time in Cuban jails. We will continue to shed light on these issues and demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Cuba.

Join us in this vital and ongoing struggle as we unite our voice for freedom, democracy and human rights in Cuba, as well as to support the empowerment of independent civil society, without whom there will be no meaningful change in Cuba.

Click here to help now!

Last week, Vice Motherboard published a series of in depth articles highlighting Cuba's lack of modern technology and the extreme difficulty of accessing limited internet in Cuba. Stories ranged from "The Internet Dealers of Cuba" to "Cuba’s Black Market Website" which exists primarily offline. Motherboard even showed us "What it Looks Like to Use the Internet for the First Time" in Cuba.

Cuba's attempt to mask access to the real internet by promoting "Communist Computer Clubs for Kids," which only allow access to a local intranet and pirated content, gave a unique glimpse into what Cuba's youth is exposed to on the island.

Despite Cuba's limitations, now some American startups want to help by offering free services and downloads to Cubans to help share access at the few public Wi-Fi hotspots that currently exist.

Even the Wall Street Journal exposed its readers to the Cuban government's "longtime distrust" of the Internet, resulting in extreme censorship as well as costly and limited access. All this at the expense of the Cuban people, many of which are "chomping at the bit" to get online.

There is still much work to be done, but if we all work together, we can finally tear down Cuba's "cyber wall" once and for all.

To see what you can do to help #ConnectCuba, click here!

Extending our Hands!


The FHRC proudly presents the 9th Annual Noche Tropical "Tropicana 2020" Gala on Saturday October 24, in Downtown Miami. With Willy Chirino headlining the event, and all the hype from last year's gala, space is filling up fast!

Don't delay and reserve your table and tickets today by contacting Dominique Klynott at 305-390-2786, Ext. 219, or by email at

Remember, the FHRC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and all proceeds from the gala benefit our cause.

Click for More Info
Wish For A Wow

We would like to take a moment and thank our Tropicana 2020 event producers and sponsors, WoW Factor, for once again committing to create a truly "WoW" experience at Noche Tropical this year. Also, we want share their inspiring and charitable project, Wish for a Wow. This Holiday Season, one lucky winner will have their wish to come true, as well as the chance to nominate a local nonprofit who will receive an additional donation from WoW Factor (of course, if you win, we hope you will choose the FHRC!)

As WoW says, "good things come to those who wish." Please take a moment to visit their initiative, "where one individual may be granted a life-changing wish. It could be you."

Click here to learn more!

Copyright 2014 Foundation For Human Rights In Cuba.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Upcoming Business and Tourism Events from the Dominican International Federation

The Dominican International Federation promotes
Upcoming great Business and Tourism events

Expo Cibao, Expo Commercial Tourism, Invest in Puerto Plata and more

Miami, Florida, August 25, 2015 - The Dominican International Business, Tourism & Development Federation (DIBTDF), along with The Santiago Chamber of Commerce and Production, Inc., is inviting everyone in South Florida and the United States doing business, and/or interested in having a business relationship with the Dominican Republic, to participate in the 28th Annual EXPO CIBAO, taking place September 16 -20 in Santiago, Dominican Republic. In addition, and along with the National Hotels & Tourism Association of the D.R. (ASONAHORES), the federation invites to attend the 29th Annual EXPO COMMERCIAL TOURISM, which will be held September 9-11, in the paradisiac area of Bavaro-Punta Cana, in the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, the DIBTDF is promoting the first Forum “Invest in Puerto Plata”, while in Miami will host an important business luncheon with Miami-Dade Commissioner for District 12, Hon. Jose “Pepe” Diaz.

With over 150,000 visitors every year, EXPO CIBAO is the Dominican Republic’s biggest multi-sectorial business and trade fair, been held continuously for 27 years, each year growing in exhibition space, number of exhibitors and visitors, and its quality. This year it will feature an extensive program of lectures and conferences that will include topics such as personal finance, entrepreneurship, commercial arbitration, and corporate social responsibility, among others.

Pedro Diaz Ballester, President and Founder of the DOMINICAN INTERNATIONA FEDERATION, confirmed that for those that cannot attend, will be possible to send their Catalogs, and the DIBTDF will do the work for those companies. This presents a very exciting opportunity for any individual or business looking to expand its presence in the country or learn about new investment opportunities within the growing economy of the Dominican Republic.

Additionally, the DIBTDF is promoting in the 29th Annual EXPO COMMERCIAL TOURISM, the most successful event for the sector suppliers and the main marketplace serving the food service and hospitality industry in the Dominican Republic. It is celebrated in the interest of providing an opportunity for suppliers to strengthen their commercial links with their main clients and to acquire new accounts. It also allows visitors to benefit from the vast and diverse product lines exhibited and to identify opportunities to make their businesses more efficient, in addition to strengthening the relation between buyers and their current suppliers. It is also possible to participate in seminars, conferences and contests aimed at everyone involved in the sector.

Invest in Puerto Plata
Together with the Dominican Consulate in Miami, and the Center for Exports and Investment of the D.R. (CEI-RD), the FEDERATION is promoting the new Foro de Inversion Puerto Plata (Puerto Plata Investment Forum), to be held in VH Gran Ventana Beach Resort, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, during all day of September 17th, with the presence of President Danilo Medina. This forum poises an excellent opportunity to learn about all the investment possibilities Puerto Plata has to offer, especially in the Tourism, Industrial and Infrastructure sectors.

In Miami: a special upcoming event
The DOMINICAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & TOURISM FEDERATION has an extensive calendar of business, trade, tourism, and investment related events and networking opportunities in South Florida as well as in The Dominican Republic.  On OCTOBER 1st, 2015, the DIBTF will be hosting a Business Luncheon and Conference, featuring keynote speaker, the Honorable Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz.  This will take place at noon at the Doubletree Miami Hotel and Miami Airport Convention Center. Those attending, can learn about the current trade and business opportunities between South Florida, specifically Miami-Dade, and the Dominican Republic.

For more information on Expo Cibao, the Expo Commercial Tourism, the Puerto Plata Investment Forum, as well as the Business Luncheon in Miami, and any other event sponsored by the DIBTDF, or on how to become a member of this dynamic organization, please contact us at (305)901-6390, email us at, or enter 

About the Dominican International Business & Tourism Federation
The Dominican International Business & Tourism Federation is a Non-Profit Organization created for the successful development of international business and trade in the Tourism, Real Estate, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Technology sectors between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE STATE OF FLORIDA, SOUTH FLORIDA & MIAMI-DADE COUNTIES AND CITIES, the private sector and government of the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, as well as some others countries related in business and development, in order to increase a positive relationship and results.

Contact: Ianna Brugal, FEDERATION’s Public Relations Director

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Public Service Announcement from FBI