Find out about Proposed Changes to U.S.-Canada Greenhouse Certification Program at Webinars |
Please join the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for one of two informational webinarson the proposed changes to the U.S.-Canada Greenhouse Certification Program (GCP). The meetings will be held on Thursday, August 14 and Tuesday August 19 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Participants can learn more about the proposed changes, find out how the new requirements might impact current GCP participants, and ask questions.
Webinar Dates:
- Aug 14 2:00 p.m. Eastern
- Aug 19 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Use the following to dial in to the conference call to access the AUDIO portion (both dates): Number: 1-888-844-9904 Passcode: 7055972
USACOE National Economic Development Plan for Deepening and Widening PEV Navigational Channels |
Port Everglades has received written notification from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) indicating that they have decided to recommend a National Economic Development (NED) Plan for deepening and widening Port Everglades navigational channels to a depth of 47 feet versus the 48-foot depth proposed in the draft Feasibility Study released in June 2013 (USACE letter attached). I have also attached a Q&A document that was prepared by the Port Everglades Advocacy Team with additional background.
The receipt of this decision is a major milestone in the feasibility phase, which will culminate when the USACE Chief of Engineers approves a final recommendation known as the Chief's Report on the project. A favorable Chief's Report or a determination of feasibility by the Secretary of the Army is a prerequisite for the port to move forward with the preconstruction engineering and design (PED) phase of this project, or to receive Congressional authorization.
Read More Here |
Port Everglades Stats are Just a Click Away |
Port Everglades has launched an expandedstatistics page on to provide the most requested information on cargo, cruise and petroleum activity.
These statistical reports, which assist and promote trade growth and development, are on "print-friendly" pages. Currently, the site includes the annual statistics historically published only in the print versions of the Port's Annual Commerce Report and its Facility Guide and Directory.
2014 State of Logistics: Truckload-Capacity Tight and Drivers Needed |
July 1, 2014 - The $300 billion for-hire truckload (TL) sector is enjoying a fairly busy 2014, with most carriers reporting a balanced picture of tighter-than-average capacity against decent if not spectacular demand levels. The driver shortage, described by one top TL executive as "horrible" already, promises only to get worse as the economic recovery continues and demand improves. The top TL carriers are working closely with veterans organizations, driving schools, and other outplacement resources to encourage military to consider truck driving as a career of choice after their service.
If they're willing to learn how to drive a civilian 53-foot tractor-trailer, those vets will find an ample supply of jobs paying around $50,000 to start, jumping up to $60,000 in the second or third year. That's because there are now more heavy trucks on the road than ever. The U.S. heavy-duty truck fleet grew to a record 3.66 million-the largest size on record during the first quarter and a 3.2 percent increase from a year earlier, according to market research firm IHS Automotive.
Notifications of Expiration of Wildlife Import/Export Licenses and Designated Port Exception Permits
Wildlife import/export licenses issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) are valid for one year from the date of issuance. For a number of years now OLE has, as a courtesy, sent written notifications by mail to license holders to inform them in advance of the pending expiration date of their license and encourage them to request renewal on a timely basis. We have also provided advance written notice to holders of designated port exception (DPE) permits to remind them of pending expiration.
Due to staff and other resource constraints, we will no longer be able to provide this service. Individuals and businesses that hold wildlife import/export licenses and DPE permits will be responsible for monitoring expiration dates and obtaining license/permit renewals without notification from the Service. The Service is exploring options for electronic reminders for users of our eDecs system.
As of August 1, 2014, the Office of Law Enforcement will no longer send written notices to wildlife import/export license holders and DPE permit holders concerning the expiration of those licenses/permits and the need to request renewal. Service wildlife inspectors will not clear shipments presented for import or export under expired licenses or DPE permits.
Read More Here
CBP Announces Additional Partnerships to Promote Trade and Travel |
Last year, CBP entered into five reimbursable service agreements with the city of El Paso, Texas; the City of Houston Airport System; Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport; Miami-Dade County; and the South Texas Assets Consortium under Section 560 of the Consolidatedand Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013. As a result, CBP provided an additional 9,000 CBP officer assignments and opened primary lanes and booths for an additional 24,000 hours at the request of 560 partners, increasing border processing throughput at U.S. air and land ports of entry. Among the three participating airports, the added staffing and supplementary lane openings, in conjunction with Automated Passport Control deployments and other innovative technology efforts, have helped decrease wait times by an average of almost 30 percent while traveler volume has increased about 7 percent over the last year. Section 559 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 expands this authority to enter into additional agreements to increase CBP's ability to provide new or enhanced services on a reimbursable basis by creating partnerships with private sector and government entities. Reimbursable services under Section 559 include customs, agricultural processing, border
security services, and immigration inspection-related services at ports of entry. The statute maintains several limitations at CBP-serviced airports, including a maximum of five reimbursable service agreements permitted per year, and reimbursable services being limited to overtime costs only. These agreements will not replace existing services. The entities tentatively selected for these partnerships in Florida is Broward County, Fla. (Port Everglades). Click Here for More
 FCBF Government Affairs Committee Meets RSVP HERE
 Customs Broker Exam Preparation Course Begins Click Here for the Registration Form |
Membership Committee, Open to all FCBF Members. RSVP HERE |
Seminar: What OTIs Need to Know About Negotiating Contracts & Rates. Click Here |
Monthly Luncheon, Sponsored by PortMiami Click Here for the Registration Form |
 Company: American Cargo Express Position: Imports Entry Clerk Posted: 08/01/2014Min 3-5 years Import experience. Bi-lingual English/Spanish Must be Familiar with the concept of doing it all or willing to learn. Applicant will open their own files, trace/track, custom clear, handle delivery and billing. Customer service is very important and good Communication/writing skills a must.
Preparation of Arrival Notices ( Break Bulk ) for both Ocean and Air shipments. Processing US Customs entries with Commodities that require FDA, and FCC. High value commodities followed by Drawback. Both Local and RLF. CF7512 preparation for in-transit shipments. ISF filing. Must be Detail oriented and organized.
Our office hours are 8:30 to 5:30
Connie Homan IMPORT MANAGER - CHB AMERICAN CARGO EXPRESS 11801 NW 100th Road, Suite 15 MEDLEY, FL 33178 Tel: 305-470-0045 |
The AmCham Bolivia Delegation Makes a Stop at the FCBF office to learn more about import/export and the logistics industry as a whole! |
The FCBF Executive Director, Mrs. Barbara Pimentel, served as an Export Speaker for the "11 Steps to Exporting, A Roadmap to Your Exporting Success" |
Lenny Feldman Named Chair of the World Trade Center Miami |

MIAMI (July 22) - Attorney Lenny Feldman, an internationally known strategist and advocate for international commerce, has been named chair of the World Trade Center Miami (WTCM), succeeding former PortMiami director Bill Johnson.
Feldman, who is the managing member, Miami Office and co-chair, Import/Export Practice Group of Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A., has served on the WTCM Board of Directors for nearly a decade, most recently as first vice chair. His practice involves handling issues before numerous regulatory agencies including U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Food and Drug Administration and other agencies.
"Lenny understands the vital importance of import and export trade to South Florida," said WTCM President and CEO Charlotte Gallogly. "He is an exceptional leader with decades of experience in the international sector." Click Here to Read More

The U.S. Commercial Service, in partnership with the Florida District Export Council and FedEx is pleased to present Export University in Spanish. Whether you are new to international business or an experienced exporter, you and/or your Spanish-speaking staff members will benefit from the practical tools that our expert speakers will provide at this event. Experts in the field of international trade will deliver critical information to help you launch or expand your exporting business. Click Here for More

The show delivers the best opportunity to showcase, explore and sample the largest selection of foods and beverages from around the world catering to the taste of the Americas. It provides you with the answers on how to increase your sales leads and results. Whether your challenges are in sales, sourcing or services, the Americas Food & Beverage Show, is the unique one-stop marketplace designed to bring together all segments of the food and beverage industry and to expand your sales opportunities! Click Here for More
Supporting Organization:
The Latin Chamber of Commerce of USA - CAMACOL will be presenting a Business Development Trade Mission to San Juan, Puerto Rico, departing from Miami, on September 28th, and returning October 1st, 2014. CAMACOL representatives will fly onboard American Airlines. This is a cost effective trip thanks to the cooperation of CAMACOL, and the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce. Click Here for More

Supporting Organization:
WorldCity's TradeConnections:
August 22, 2014- 3rd Annual Perishables TradeNumbers Launch
(08/22/2014 08:00 AM - 09:30 AM)
Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc. 8228 NW 14 St Doral, FL 33126 Phone: 305-499-9490 Fax: 305-499-9491 |
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