Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Ferrari Effect (BusinessWeek)

Classic-car auction prices hit an all-time high on Aug. 18 with a $38.1 million bid for a 1962 Ferrari at the annual Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in Carmel, Calif. Enthusiasts who don’t have that kind of cash are bidding up alternatives—Italian sports cars of the same era. McKeel Hagerty, chief executive officer of classic-car underwriter Hagerty Insurance, calls it the Ferrari effect. “It kind of trickles down,” Hagerty explains. “There are an awful lot of interesting stories below that Ferrari level.”

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pedro Diaz Ballester, fundador-presidente de la Dominican International Business, Tourism & Development Federation, Inc.

“La República Dominicana se mantiene como socio importante en Asuntos Hemisféricos, debido a su papel como la segunda economía más grande en el Caribe, así como su constante gran comercio bilateral con los Estados Unidos y, por la bendición de Dios, tenemos una estratégica ubicación geográfica, por la cual nuestro bello país ofrece acceso fácil para el comercio entre los mercados de los Estados Unidos, el Caribe y América Latina, contando excepcionalmente con once puertos marítimos más ocho aeropuertos, que transportan cantidades crecientes de carga y viajeros cada año, gozando a la vez de un clima político estable y democrático, teniendo en cuenta las inversiones de las empresas nacionales y extranjeras, como en especial del turismo”.

Pedro Diaz Ballester, fundador-presidente de la Dominican International Business, Tourism & Development Federation, Inc. (Federación Dominicana Internacional de Negocios, Turismo y Desarrollo), se expresó en estos términos, al exponer ante Cónsules Generales de importantes países, en el Sur de la Florida, durante un almuerzo por invitación del Cónsul Amaury Ríos, resaltando además la condición del país como “uno de los principales Socios Comerciales a nivel mundial del estado de la Florida”, implicando esto más de $5,5 billones en exportaciones. De igual manera, resalto, somos el octavo mercado superior para las exportaciones de mercancías de la Florida, cuyo monto ascendió a más de $3 billones en el 2012. “Durante mucho tiempo fuimos considerado principalmente exportador de café, azúcar y tabaco, pero en los años recientes el sector de servicios ha superado la agricultura como el más grande de la economía, sobre todo por el crecimiento del turismo, telecomunicaciones y zonas francas”.  Acoto que el Consejo Nacional de Zonas Francas, está constantemente aprobando instalación de nuevas empresas.

Diaz Ballester, dedicado por casi 35 años a promover y desarrollar oportunidades de negocios, turismo, comercio e inversiones para la Republica Dominicana en el exterior desde sus posiciones en el sector privado, como de Asesor de Negocios e Inversiones Internacionales para el sector gubernamental, destaco que por la sólida relación Florida-Dominicana y sus políticas de mercado abierto, existen oportunidades de exportación amplias para las empresas locales en una variedad de industrias, que van desde las telecomunicaciones hasta equipos médicos, suplidores de hoteles, productos y energía renovable, entre otros.

Entre los influyentes Cónsules Generales asistentes, destacaron Argentina, Brasil, México, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, como de países centroamericanos, quienes mostraron interés en las orientaciones recibidas, en especial sobre la situación y perspectivas de la economia dominicana.  Otros renglones tratados fueron: Banco de las Exportaciones, Energía y Gas Terminal, Turismo de Las Americas, resaltando el compromiso de instar a los gobiernos de América hacer las coordinaciones necesarias para viabilizar una política regional de cielos abiertos, facilitación de viajes, visados, normas comunes y estimulación de la inversión aeroportuaria.

Diaz Ballester, empresario, director de Multimedios “EL MUNDO DE LOS NEGOCIOS” y otros reconocidos medios de comunicación especializados, es fundador de reconocidas organizaciones nacionales e internacionales, ocupo la presidencia de la Asociacion Interamericana de Hombres de Empresas (AIHE), la Vicepresidencia Mundial para Europa, de la Cámara Junior de Comercio Internacional, Asistente Especial del Presidente Mundial, para America Latina –a cargo programas Norte Sur- de Jaycees International, entre otras tantas. Esta organización mundial, le rindió un Reconocimiento Especial el pasado año, por su destacada labor internacional.
Entre los reconocimientos recibidos, resalta el del Alcalde y la Junta de Comisionados del Condado Miami-Dade, en el 2006, por más de “25 años de labor incrementando las relaciones y el comercio entre la Republica Dominicana y Miami-Dade”.-. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Day is Today (Social Security Administration)

Get your free personal online my Social Security account today!
You probably plan to receive Social Security benefits someday. Maybe you already do. Either way, you’ll want a my Social Security account to:
  • Keep track of your earnings and verify them every year;
  • Get an estimate of your future benefits if you are still working;
  • Get a letter with proof of your benefits if you currently receive them; and
  • Much more!
Setting up an account is quick, secure, and easy. Join the millions and create an account now!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

FCBF Newsletter :Moving Ahead

Find out about Proposed Changes to U.S.-Canada Greenhouse Certification Program at Webinars

Please join the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for one of two informational webinars on the proposed changes to the U.S.-Canada Greenhouse Certification Program (GCP). The meetings will be held on Thursday, August 14 and Tuesday August 19 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Participants can learn more about the proposed changes, find out how the new requirements might impact current GCP participants, and ask questions. 

Webinar Dates:
  • Aug 14 2:00 p.m. Eastern
  • Aug 19 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Use the following to dial in to the conference call to access the AUDIO portion (both dates):
Number: 1-888-844-9904
Passcode: 7055972

USACOE National Economic Development Plan for Deepening and Widening PEV Navigational Channels

Port Everglades has received written notification from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) indicating that they have decided to recommend a National Economic Development (NED) Plan for deepening and widening Port Everglades navigational channels to a depth of 47 feet versus the 48-foot depth proposed in the draft Feasibility Study released in June 2013 (USACE letter attached).  I have also attached a Q&A document that was prepared by the Port Everglades Advocacy Team with additional background.
The receipt of this decision is a major milestone in the feasibility phase, which will culminate when the USACE Chief of Engineers approves a final recommendation known as the Chief's Report on the project.  A favorable Chief's Report or a determination of feasibility by the Secretary of the Army is a prerequisite for the port to move forward with the preconstruction engineering and design (PED) phase of this project, or to receive Congressional authorization. 

Port Everglades Stats are Just a Click Away

Port Everglades has launched an expanded statistics page on to provide the most requested information on cargo, cruise and petroleum activity.

These statistical reports, which assist and promote trade growth and development, are on "print-friendly" pages. Currently, the site includes the annual statistics historically published only in the print versions of the Port's Annual Commerce Report and its Facility Guide and Directory.


Russia was the EU's second-biggest market for food exports (10% of total), after the US (13%)

In 2013 the biggest food sector in EU exports to Russia was cheese and curd, followed by pork, then alcoholic drinks, then apples, pears and quinces

Western exports of baby food and pet food to Russia are not on the sanctions list

Russians are not barred from buying Western food abroad, within customs limits

Russia banned all fruit and vegetable imports from one of its most vocal critics, Poland, in July

It imposed a ban on pig and pork imports from the EU in January

Various bans on food imports from Ukraine and Moldova are already in force


Membership Committee, Open to all FCBF Members.

Seminar: What OTIs Need to Know About Negotiating Contracts & Rates. Click Here

Monthly Luncheon, Sponsored by PortMiami
Click Here for the Registration Form

Russia retaliates against U.S., EU with import ban...So What's Banned & What's O.K.?

All unprocessed fish banned: "all fish varieties, including live, fresh, cooled, frozen, dried, salted and smoked fish, fish fillet, shellfish, trepangs, jellyfish, sea urchins and other invertebrates."
All dairy banned: "The list includes whole and condensed milk and cream, yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk as well as butter, dairy spreads, cheeses and cottage cheese. Food mixes and products containing over 15 percent milk fats and cheese fondue have also been banned."
All fresh vegetables and mushrooms banned: "The list includes fresh, cooled, frozen, dried, sliced and cut tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage, sweet peppers, spinach, asparagus, celery, eggplant, carrots, turnips, radishes and other root vegetables, as well as legumes, and includes vegetable mixes."
All fruits, berries, and nuts not processed or packaged for further processing banned: "Fruits, berries and nuts have also been banned, with the exception of items packaged for further processing. The list includes fresh, frozen or dried bananas, citrus fruits, apples, pears, grapes, melons, papayas, apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, plums, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangos, kiwis, date-plums, berries and nuts.
Certain malt extracts banned: "The ban on imports includes items containing malt extract with a dry extract content of over 90 percent, malt extract containing no milk fat, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing less than 1.5 percent milk fat, 5 percent sucrose (including inverted sugar), isoglucose, or 5 percent glucose or starch."
Certain compound alcoholic preparations banned: "The import restrictions also cover compound alcoholic preparations, except those based on odoriferous substances used for producing beverages without milk fat, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing less than 1.5 percent milk fat, 5 percent sucrose or isoglucose, or 5 percent glucose or starch."
Certain meat and sausage banned:"fresh, cooled, frozen, salted, dried and smoked meat, veal, pork and poultry. Imports of sausage and similar products made of meat, meat by-products or blood, as well as food preparations containing these products are also banned."

No ban on tobacco products and certain alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages: "Juices, beer, wine and other liquors and soft drinks, including carbonated drinks, vinegar, pure alcohol tobacco products are not subject to the import ban [nor are] coffee, tea, drinking chocolate, chocolate, sugar or spices."
No ban on cereals, flour, malt, and starch products: "Cereals, flour, malt, starch and products containing these, such as pasta, bread or pastry, are also exempt from the import ban."
No ban on eggs and honey: "Eggs and honey will also be free from import restrictions."
No ban on oil-yielding crops, vegetable oil and butter products: "The import ban list does not include oil-yielding crops, vegetable oil or butter products, including margarine or wax, yeast, soups and broths, products used in sauces, spices or chewing gum."
No ban on baby food: "The government resolution expressly states that the restrictions do not apply to baby food."
No ban on the following meat and sausage: 
"lamb, goat, horse, donkey, rabbit or camel meat, or their meat by-products (liver), exotic varieties of meat (meat from monkeys, dolphins, snakes, turtles, whales, sea calves, pigeons and frog legs), game[,] salo, a pork-fat product popular in Russia [and] live animals or other meat products such as liver-based pâté, except sausage."
No ban on processed or canned fruits and jams: 
"Processed or canned fruits and jams can be imported as before."
No ban on processed vegetables and mushrooms: "The ban does not include processed mushroom or vegetable products such as canned tomatoes and cucumbers."
No ban on processed or canned fish, seafood and caviar:
"processed or canned fish, seafood and caviar are not subject to any import restrictions."

King Ocean Expands at Port Everglades

Port Everglades expects to gain an additional
30,000 containers annually as King Ocean consolidates several Eastern Caribbean services

previously calling Terminal Island in Miami. The additional services sail weekly from King Ocean's Sun Terminal at Port Everglades to St. Maarten, St. Kitts, St. Barth, Nevis, Dominica, Anguilla, St. Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Vincent, Suriname, Guyana and the Dominican Republic. These new services build on King Ocean's existing services calling at ports in Colombia, Venezuela and Central America.

King Ocean moved approximately 140,000 TEUs (20-foot equivalent units, the standard industry measurement for container volumes) through Port Everglades in fiscal year 2013 (Oct. 1, 2012 through Sept. 30, 2013), and recently added a 7.3-acre Midport marine terminal to its existing 33.8-acre Southport terminal.
"King Ocean is a productive container carrier/terminal operator at Port Everglades, generally exceeding Port-wide throughput per acre," said Port Everglades Chief Executive & Port Director Steven Cernak. "King Ocean's services are also key to the Port's market penetration strategies, and are a significant factor in Port Everglades' position as the number one South Atlantic seaport in containerized ocean cargo trade with the north coast of South America."
King Ocean has operated regular weekly multiple container cargo ship services from Port Everglades to the Caribbean, Central America, and the north coast of South America since 1994. Backed by more than 30 years of excellence, King Ocean specializes in various types of containerized and general cargo including, but not limited to raw materials, jewelry and clothing accessories, foodstuffs, refrigerated cargo, vehicles and parts, construction machinery and building materials.
At the crossroads of North-South and East-West trade, Port Everglades is Florida's leading container port, handling nearly one million TEUs annually and serving as a gateway to Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia. Located in Broward County, Florida, Port Everglades is in the heart of one of the world's largest consumer regions, including a constant flow of visitors and up to a combined 110 million residents and seasonal visitors within a 500-mile radius. Port Everglades has direct access to the interstate highway system and the newly opened 43-acre Florida East Coast Railway (FEC) intermodal hub, and is closer to the Atlantic Shipping Lanes than any other Southeastern U.S. port. Ongoing capital improvements and expansion will ensure that Port Everglades can continue to handle future growth in container traffic. More information about Broward County's Port Everglades is available on the Internet at or by calling toll-free in the United States 1-800-421-0188 or emailing

Company: American Cargo Express
Position: Imports Entry Clerk

Company: Bruzzone Shipping, Inc.
Position: Export Freight Forwarder 

Company: Bruzzone Shipping, Inc.
Position: Import Entry Clerk 

Company: FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage Service (LAC Region)
Position: Customer Service Representative- CHB 

Company: Customs Logistic Services
Position: Import/Export Documentation

Company: Delta Trucking
Position: Account Executive position 
All Aboard Florida Could Bring Major Economic Benefits to Tampa Bay Region

One of the most exciting economic development projects going on in Florida right now could one day bring a major economic boost to the Tampa Bay area. The All Aboard Florida project envisions a passenger rail connection linking Florida's key economic centers, with the first phase being a connection between South Florida and Orlando. The rail line would make use of the Florida East Coast railway with a terminus at the new intermodal center being constructed at Orlando International Airport. The project is a 100 percent private venture and requires no state subsidies. Despite this, support from public officials and community leaders will still be vital in ensuring a successful implementation of the plan.

CBP Announces Additional Partnerships to Promote Trade and Travel

Last year, CBP entered into five reimbursable service agreements with the city of El Paso, Texas; the City of Houston Airport System; Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport; Miami-Dade County; and the South Texas Assets Consortium under Section 560 of the Consolidatedand Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013. As a result, CBP provided an additional 9,000 CBP officer assignments and opened primary lanes and booths for an additional 24,000 hours at the request of 560 partners, increasing border processing throughput at U.S. air and land ports of entry. Among the three participating airports, the added staffing and supplementary lane openings, in conjunction with Automated Passport Control deployments and other innovative technology efforts, have helped decrease wait times by an average of almost 30 percent while traveler volume has increased about 7 percent over the last year. Section 559 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 expands this authority to enter into additional agreements to increase CBP's ability to provide new or enhanced services on a reimbursable basis by creating partnerships with private sector and government entities. Reimbursable services under Section 559 include customs, agricultural processing, border
security services, and immigration inspection-related services at ports of entry. The statute maintains several limitations at CBP-serviced airports, including a maximum of five reimbursable service agreements permitted per year, and reimbursable services being limited to overtime costs only. These agreements will not replace existing services. The entities tentatively selected for these partnerships in Florida is Broward County, Fla. (Port Everglades). Click Here for More

Lenny Feldman Named Chair of the World Trade Center Miami

MIAMI (July 22) - Attorney Lenny Feldman, an internationally known strategist and advocate for international commerce, has been named chair of the World Trade Center Miami (WTCM), succeeding former PortMiami director Bill Johnson.
Feldman, who is the managing member, Miami Office and co-chair, Import/Export Practice Group of Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A., has served on the WTCM Board of Directors for nearly a decade, most recently as first vice chair. His practice involves handling issues before numerous regulatory agencies including U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Food and Drug Administration and other agencies.
"Lenny understands the vital importance of import and export trade to South Florida," said WTCM President and CEO Charlotte Gallogly. "He is an exceptional leader with decades of experience in the international sector."  Click Here to Read More

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Affiliate's Events

August 12, 2014
FCBF Members Receive Member Rate!
Featuring Eric K. Olafson, Manager of Intergovernmental Affairs and Cargo Development in PortMiami 
Time: 7:15 am - 9:00 am
Trump National Doral Miami
4400 NW 87th Avenue, Doral, FL 33178 

August 20, 2014
The U.S. Commercial Service, in partnership with the Florida District Export Council and FedEx is pleased to present Export University in Spanish. Whether you are new to international business or an experienced exporter, you and/or your Spanish-speaking staff members will benefit from the practical tools that our expert speakers will provide at this event. Experts in the field of international trade will deliver critical information to help you launch or expand your exporting business. Click Here for More

August 22, 2014
FCBF Members Receive Member Rate!

Supporting Organization:
WorldCity's TradeConnections: 
August 22, 2014- 3rd Annual Perishables TradeNumbers Launch
(08/22/2014 08:00 AM - 09:30 AM)

September 10, 2014
Racing to Success - This Buisness Expo presented by the Doral Business Council will take place on September 10th starting from 12pm-8:00pm. Be sure to check it out and stop by the FCBF Booth and say Hello! The event will take place at the Miami Airport Convention Center, Doubletree Miami Mart Airport Hotel.

September 19-26, 2014
Supporting Organization: 
Singapore offers excellent opportunities for Florida companies to sell their products and services as the country is virtually a free port. Singapore is a major trading hub, importing and exporting all kinds of products from consumer goods to high technology and industrial goods for re-export to third countries.Bilateral trade in goods between the U.S. and Singapore has risen 40% over the past decade to more than US$48 billion in 2013, underlining the benefits of the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (USSFTA) it was enacted in 2004. In 2013, Florida exported more than US$237 million of goods to Singapore.

For centuries, Malaysia has profited from its location at a crossroads of trade between the East and West, a tradition that carries into the 21st century. Geographically blessed, peninsular Malaysia stretches the length of the Strait of Malacca, one of the most economically and politically important shipping lanes in the world.U.S.-Malaysia bilateral trade for 2013 was more than US$40 billion. Malaysia is the U.S. 2nd largest trading partner in the ASEAN region and the U.S. 25th largest export market. In 2013, Florida exported about US$69 million of goods to Malaysia. Click HERE for more Details

September 28 - October 1st, 2014
Supporting Organization:
The Latin Chamber of Commerce of USA - CAMACOL will be presenting a Business Development Trade Mission to San Juan, Puerto Rico, departing from Miami, on September 28th, and returning October 1st, 2014. CAMACOL representatives will fly onboard American Airlines. This is a cost effective trip thanks to the cooperation of CAMACOL, and the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce. Click Here for More

October 27-28, 2014
The show delivers the best opportunity to showcase, explore and sample the largest selection of foods and beverages from around the world catering to the taste of the Americas. It provides you with the answers on how to increase your sales leads and results. Whether your challenges are in sales, sourcing or services, the Americas Food & Beverage Show, is the unique one-stop marketplace designed to bring together all segments of the food and beverage industry and to expand your sales opportunities! Click Here for More

Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc.
8228 NW 14 St Doral, FL 33126
Phone: 305-499-9490 Fax: 305-499-9491


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