Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cuando el Gobierno llega tocando...Seminar

Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc.

Wed., March 19, 2014  
9:00am - 12:00pm

Members $65
Non-Members $85
Doubletree Miami Mart Hotel 711 NW 72nd Ave
Doral, FL 33126
Email Registrations to or fax it to 305-499-9491
"Our mission in serving the Customs Brokers, Forwarders and the Trade Community as a whole, is to act as a forum for the interchange of ideas, promote greater knowledge and understanding among its members, encourage unity of purpose, ideals and ethics in addition to disseminating information of interest to the community and our members while advocating on their behalf."
Part 3 Seminar Series
When the Government Comes Knockin' 
Handling Visits and Inquiries from Uninvited
Regulatory Officials
Whether it's an actual visit to your office, a court ordered subpoena, or an administrative summons, chances are you get that sinking feeling inside not knowing how to respond and what to say.In this session, you will learn what rights you actually have, what steps you should take to protect yourself, and how to respond to the various civil and criminal inquiries that law enforcement officials may initiate. Emphasis will be on Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), and, of course, CBP. 


Peter Quinter- Shareholder, Customs and International Trade Law , GrayRobinson, P.A., Miami

Robert J. Becerra, Esq.- Of Counsel Devine Goodman Rasco Watts-FitzGerald & Wells, P.A.

Link to Registration
Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc.
8228 NW 14 St Doral, FL 33126
Ph: 305-499-9490 Fx:305-499-9491

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