Florida Secretary of Commerce
President & CEO of Enterprise Florida, Inc.
Florida friends,
Welcome to Enterprise Florida's inaugural newsletter designed specifically for our statewide community. Every month, we will update you on the economic development stories most pertinent to your business and the Florida economy and tell you about upcoming events, useful resources and other items of interest. In this space, I will share my thoughts on recent developments and I invite you to share yours by replying to this message.
To continue to receive timely updates on Florida's economic development efforts, I encourage you to follow us on your favorite social media channel, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or RSS - you'll find us on all of them!
As 2012 gets under way, Florida has a lot going for it: 130,000 net new jobs created, businesses continuing to invest in our state and a housing market showing signs of stabilization. The two recent successful EFI-led trade missions to Brazil and Israel underscore Florida's vibrant trade sector, while the high volume of inquiries and active engagements for our business development team show that Florida continues to attract companies with its superior business climate and skilled workforce. I look forward to a great year for all of us!
Legislative Agenda
Legislative Agenda
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