Tuesday, April 28, 2015

FBI Updates April 21, 2015

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April 21, 2015 Alert Number I-042115-PSA


Friday, April 17, 2015

Programa Especial sobre Bahia de Cochinos

El canal de información TV Venezuela, con alcance nacional en Estados Unidos, e
internacional atraves de internet, trasmitirá un documental titulado: Bahía de
Cochinos…54 años después, al conmemorarse un año más de la valiente lucha
emprendida por los exiliados cubanos quienes batallaron hace más de medio siglo
para liberar a la isla del yugo impuesto por el régimen Comunista de los Castro.

El programa especial tendrá 3 segmentos; el primero se centra en la primera
reunion para explorar cómo la CIA, recien autorizada por Eisenhower podia ayudar a
la resistencia cubana a liberar a Cuba. A esta reunion, convocada por Benjamin C.
Evans, oficial destacado en la Embajada en Cuba, asistieron Angel Fernandez
Varela, Jose Ignacio Rasco y Oscar A. Echevarria; en ella se inicia el proceso que
culmina con la invasión de Playa Girón. Echevarria, el único sobreviviente, de
manera inedita narra los detalles y muestra los ayuda memoria escritos tras ella.

En el segundo segmento contará con el testimonio de tres veteranos de esta
incursión militar, Eduardo Zayas Bazán, Humberto Díaz Arguelles y Pedro Roig
quienes describirán sus vivencias y el por qué la operación no tuvo el éxito

Para finalizar el programa analizará las repercusiones negativas que aun hoy se
hacen sentir en el mundo tras la derrota de los exiliados cubanos y la consolidación
en el poder de Fidel y Raúl Castro. El análisis estará a cargo de Eduardo A. Palmer,
productor de televisión, quien fue testigo de excepción y documento para la
Television, algunas de las guerras y alzamientos producidos en otras naciones bajo
la influencia del régimen castrista.

A través de documentos inéditos, testimonios exclusivos e imágenes históricas TV
Venezuela pretende llamar la atención sobre un hecho trascendental en la historia
de América y alertar sobre la importancia de que no sea olvidada esta lucha por la
libertad y la democracia de las naciones del mundo.

El programa será trasmitido el día viernes 17 a las 10.30 pm en TV Venezuela, el
Sabado a las 9.30 am y 9pm y el domingo 19 a las 9.30 . Si quiere ser testigo de
este documental histórico puede sintonizarlo a través de DirecTV Canal 409; Cable
Comcast Canal 654; Time Warner Canal 823 y Advance Cable Comunications
Canal 411.

Si se encuentra fuera de Estados Unidos puede verlo a través del link:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

TAX RETURN FRAUD (FBI Public Service Announcement)

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April 02, 2015 Alert  Number


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Center for Hemispheric Policy, UM : The Economic Outlook for Argentina: April 21, 2015

The Economic Outlook for Argentina

Perspectives on Argentina’s Economy by Chief Economists
from a Leading Economic Think Tank in Buenos Aires

Unstable Scenarios Ahead

Juan Luis Bour
Executive Director and Chief Economist
Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas (FIEL)
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Frankenstein’s Undoing: Energy Subsidies
Fernando Navajas
Chief Economist
Buenos Aires, Argentina

 Challenges and Opportunities for the Next Administration

Daniel Artana
Chief Economist
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Westin Colonnade Coral Gables
8:15 –  8:30 a.m. - Registration and Continental Breakfast

Gables Salon
180 Aragon Avenue

8:30 – 10:30 a.m. - Presentations and Discussion 
(Please note later start time)

Supporting Organizations:
Beacon Council, CAMACOL, Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Florida, Inc., Georgetown University Club of Miami, Haitian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida, OWIT (Organization of Women in International Trade) - South Florida, Oxford University Society of Florida, University of Miami Center for International Business and Education Research (CIBER),  Uruguayan American Chamber of Commerce (Florida) Inc. and Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce

Media Partners: 
AméricaEconomía, Hispanic Target Magazine, Latin American Herald Tribune,
Latin Business Chronicle, LATIN TRADE, Latinvex and WorldCity


Program Fee:  $40; Academics and students – free admission with valid ID
Two ways to register:

1)      To register and pay by check, cash or as a guest (academics and students with valid I.D.):
Email registration form to chp-rsvp@miami.edu or fax registration form to (305) 284-9871.
Payment by check:  Make check payable to Center for Hemispheric Policy. Mail check with registration form to:
Center for Hemispheric Policy; P.O. Box 248297; Coral Gables, FL 33124-6535.
Cancellation Policy: By email, fax or telephone, by 12:00 p.m., Monday, April 20, 2015.

2)      To register and pay by credit card:  Submit your registration and credit card information by clicking on the “Register and Pay with Credit Card” link for this program listing on the CHP website.
Cancellation and Credit Card Refund Policy: Registration fees are refundable by sending the “Cancellation Request Form” by email or fax by 12:00 p.m., Monday, April 20, 2015. No refunds will be issued after that time. Credit card refunds are processed within two weeks.

For more information, please call Michael Graybeal at (305) 284-9918, or visit our website at www.miami.edu/chp.

Registration Form

(286) The Economic Outlook for Argentina — Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Name                                                                                                Title  



City                                                                                                  State                                    Zip

Telephone                                                                                       Fax                                       Email

Payment method:                                                                           by mail                                 at door            

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

eNotice will be the Electronic Distribution of Notices of FDA (FCBF)

Electronic Distribution of Notices of FDA Action via eNotice

As our efforts to improve communications with industry and facilitate trade continue, we are happy to inform the local implementation of a system to send filer notices electronically via email. Participation in this program is in a voluntary basis which can be opted out at any time by either party. We encourage however as much participation as possible.

Be aware that we will be moving to a different location soon. this move will preclude us from being able to deliver filer notices to the broker boxes at the CBP Cargo Clearing Center (CCC). Once we move to the new location, notices addressed to filers not participating in eNotice will be sent via regular mail. Those filers that decide to opt-in will have to complete the attached forms with the information requested and return and return them via email to floridaimportcompliance@fda.hhs.gov .

Importers and Consignees may not participate in eNotice at this time.

Please make sure that you share the information herein immediately with your costumers, brokers of FDA regulates products in general and all those interested parties.

 eNotice Communication to FCBF 4-3-2015 doc

FLA-DO E-Notice Application Form

Facundo Bernal
Director Import Operations Branch
Florida District