Friday, February 27, 2009

Post referendum Venezuela - program March 4/09

Post-Referendum Venezuela: Political and Economic Scenarios


Javier Corrales
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts

Michael Penfold
Director, Center for Management Development, Instituto de Estudios Superiores
de Administración (IESA), Caracas

Aníbal Romero
Professor, Department of Political Science, Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas;
Visiting Fellow, Center for Hemispheric Policy, University of Miami

Michael Shifter
Vice President, Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, D.C.

Supporting Organizations:
The Beacon Council, Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Florida, Gateway Florida, Georgetown Club of Miami, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Oxford University Society and Venezuela Business Club

Media Partners:
AméricaEconomía, ExpressNEWS, Hispanic Target Magazine, Latin Business Chronicle, LatinFinance, LATIN TRADE, Mercado de Dinero and WorldCity Business

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Location: Hyatt Regency Coral Gables 50 Alhambra Plaza
Time: 8:00-8:15 a.m. - Registration and Continental Breakfast
Hall of Ambassadors 8:15-10:00 a.m. - Presentations and Discussion

Program Fee: $30; Academics and students – free admission with valid ID
Registration: By email to or by fax at (305) 284-9871.
Payment: Please make check payable to Center for Hemispheric Policy.
Mail check with registration form to:
Center for Hemispheric Policy; P.O. Box 248297; Coral Gables, FL 33124-6535.
Cancellation policy: By email, fax or telephone, before 12:00 noon, Tuesday, March 3, 2009
For more information, please call Patricia Salinas at (305) 284-3707 or visit our website at .

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nuevas Regulaciones para los Exportadores

Nuevas Regulaciones para los Exportadores

Seminario del Dpto de Comercio de los Estados Unidos. Para información, cliquee aqui:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Derechos Laborales - Seminario U.S.Department of Labor


AUDIENCIA: Todo miembro y no miembro de iglesias; todo residente de los condados de Broward, Palm-Beach y Miami-Dade; empleados de todo tipo de industria; patronos de compañías privadas; y todo patrono planificando en establecer compañías privadas a través del estado de la Florida.

Localidad: Atlantic Baptist Church
4850 W Atlantic Blvd.
Margate, FL 33063

Fecha: sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

Almuerzo: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m

Hora del Evento: 1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Tipos de Sesiones: Ingles y Español disponibles

Organizaciones Presentadas:
U. S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division
U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)

Objetivo: Estas presentaciones están diseñadas para aumentar el conocimiento de empleados y patronos en derechos y beneficios laborales e mejorar los negocios en el estado de la Florida.


1. Funciones y responsabilidades de las agencias Federales presentadas
2. Entendiendo el proceso de inspección
3. Derechos y beneficios de empleados y patronos
4. Programas disponibles para la comunidad
5. Beneficios de un sistema gerencial en salud y seguridad ocupacional
6. Enfoque de la OSHA para eliminar lecciones, enfermedades, y fatalidades en lugares de trabajo
7. Preguntas y comentarios con los presentadores

Costo: $2.50 por persona en la entrada (Costo incluye almuerzo!)

Inscripción: Asientos son llenados rápidamente! Para mas información & inscripción acerca de este evento, por favor comuníquense a través de correo electrónico o dejen un mensaje de voz para el Sr. Carlos Herrera, , 954-979-3022. Por favor indique el lenguaje de la sesión que usted interesa atender (Ingles o Español); nombre y apellido; nombre de su iglesia; nombre de su compañía; y un numero telefónico.

Fecha limite para inscripción es sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009.

Update about Driver Licenses and I.D. cards

Information of interest about driver licenses and identification cards

NEW REQUIREMENT – PROOF OF RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reminds customers seeking a new or renewed Florida driver license or identification card to be prepared to provide proof of their residential address and social security number. Driver licenses and ID cards now show the customer’s residential address. A customer’s mailing address, such as a post office box number, will no longer be shown on driver licenses and ID cards.

Customers visiting a driver license office must bring proof of their residential address. Examples of acceptable documents include: a deed; a monthly mortgage statement; a residential rental/lease agreement; or utility hook-up (or work order) dated within 60 days of the application.

Customers must also provide proof of their social security number. Examples of acceptable documents include: Social Security card; tax return; W-2 form; pay check stub; DD-214 (military discharge document); school record. The document must include the customer’s Social Security Number to be accepted.

The Department provides a list of acceptable documents online at

El Departamento tiene la lista de documentos aceptables disponible Internet. Para obtener la información, en Español, por favor visite:

VISION TEST – MATURE DRIVERS: Florida Statutes require all drivers 80 years or older to pass a vision exam when renewing their license. All customers in this category who are renewing by mail, telephone, or internet will be required to submit the results of a vision test with their renewal application. A Mature Driver Vision Test form is available on the web at The medical practitioner completing the form must be licensed in Florida. Everyone renewing in person is required to pass a vision exam. For additional mature driver information please visit online at

SIGHT SAVER EFFORT: The Division of Driver Licenses team members across Florida encouraged their customers during the month of January to contribute to its fundraising effort on behalf of the Florida Prevent Blindness campaign. The Division of Driver Licenses raised $290,953.41 for this worthy cause. Thank you Floridians for your generosity!

QUEUING SYSTEM: An automated queuing system will be fully operational in 53 driver license offices by April 2009. The queuing system will allow management to assign examiners to specific duties and to adjust those assignments based on changing customer needs throughout the day. The customer will check in with the receptionist, who selects the customer’s service need and prints a ticket. When the appropriate examiner station is available, the customer will hear their number and examiner station, which will also be displayed on an LCD monitor. Customers will benefit from the service as they will be able to sit and wait for their number to be called, negating the requirement to stand in line. Additionally, improvements in office efficiencies will decrease the length of most visits.

MVN INFORMATION IN DRIVER LICENSE OFFICES: Currently, there are 56 driver license offices with Motor Vehicle Network (MVN) monitors installed which provide important information to all of our driver license customers. They are TV type monitors located in driver license offices that can be customized with messages that are educational or otherwise benefit the community such as Amber Alerts from law enforcement; prevent blindness videos, new driver license fees and reinstatement guidelines, including identification documents as well as real time weather and news reports from major metropolitan areas. A split screen on the MVN monitor displays queuing information which identifies which customer is being called or served at the front counter. Advertising at the bottom of the screen pays for the service which the Department receives at no charge, including the purchase and installation of the monitors.

REAL ID – WHAT TO EXPECT: Florida will begin issuing Real ID driver licenses and identification cards no later than January 1, 2010. Here is information on the implementation of Real ID:

· The Real ID Act became effective nationwide on May 11, 2008. Florida has received a compliance extension that pushes the date to January 1, 2010.
· Your current, unexpired, Florida driver license or ID card will continue to be valid as identification for federal purposes until December 1, 2014 for individuals born after December 1, 1964, and December 1, 2017 for everyone else.
· After the 2014 and 2017 dates, Federal agencies will no longer accept a driver license or ID card unless it is Real ID compliant. This means you will not be allowed to board commercial flights or enter federal facilities unless you have a Real ID compliant document.
· Florida already meets many of the Real ID requirements. We are on track to meet the remaining mandates and begin issuing Real ID compliant documents by January 1, 2010.

For more information about Real ID, please visit

SHARE THE ROAD: The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles recently kicked off a brand new Share the Road public safety campaign to encourage motorists to use courtesy when driving, and to watch out for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. With more than 18 million residents and an estimated 80 million visitors traveling Florida’s roadways during peak months, it is no wonder we experience congestion on our state’s roadways. For safety’s sake, all road users must obey the rules of the road, practice safe driving habits, use courtesy not aggression, and ensure their own personal safety and that of others on the road. We remind our members to share the road - it belongs to everyone! For more information, visit

WEBSITE FOR TEENS: The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has a Web site for teen driver safety. The Web site was created by teens for teens and it challenges young drivers to take charge when they take the wheel. Vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death among U.S. teens. Over 36,000 teen drivers (ages 15-19) were involved in crashes in Florida last year, according to the site. You can visit the teen Web site at

EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: This service will allow you to provide emergency contact information to law enforcement in the event of an emergency. This information may save crucial time if ever it becomes necessary to contact family members, or other loved ones. This service is only available to individuals holding a current Florida Driver License or Florida Identification Card. To record your information please visit:

OUR OFFICE SCHEDULE: Driver license offices in Florida are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. New testing guidelines, that continue to provide excellent customer service, call for the start of the last oral examination and CDL test each day to be at 3:30 p.m. The last written examinations and driving tests each day start at 4:30 p.m.
The following DL Offices are open from 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturdays: Jacksonville-Wilson Office, Duval County; North Orlando, Orange County; Tampa ML King Office, Hillsborough County; Lauderdale Lakes Office, Broward County; Opa Locka Office, Miami-Dade County; Miami Central Office, Miami-Dade County. Please check our website at for the most up-to-date information on office locations and schedules.

BE SMART, GET AN APPOINTMENT! We urge all customers who must visit one of our offices to renew, replace, or file a change of address to their driver license or identification card, to secure an appointment prior to their visit. Connect via Internet at for an appointment to greatly reduce the length of the visit. Then link to the on-line pre-application and complete it before coming to one of our offices.

Class E (original) $27.00 CDL (renewal) $67.00
Class E (renewal) $20.00 ID Card (original) $10.00
CDL (original) $67.00 Endorsements $ 7.00

Buckle up your seatbelt!

Clase E (original) $27.00 CDL (renovar) $67.00
Clase E (renovar) $20.00 Tarjeta de ID (original) $10.00
CDL (original) $67.00 Endosos $ 7.00

¡Abróchese el cinturón de seguridad!