Monday, January 26, 2015

Energy Outlook for the Americas: University of Miami, Center for Hemispheric Policy

   Energy Outlook for the Americas:
Volatile Global Markets and the Impact on the Region


  • Sylvie D’Apote, Founding Partner, PRYSMA E&T Consultores, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Ramón Espinasa, Lead Oil and Gas Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C.
  • Ed Glab, Graduate Faculty, Politics and International Relations, and Director, Global Energy Security Forum, School of International and Public Affairs, Florida International University, Miami, Florida
  • Justin Miller, Clean Energy Consultant, Latin America, Nexant, Washington, D.C.
  • David Shields, Managing Director, Energía a Debate, Mexico City

Friday, February 20, 2015

Conrad Miami
8:00 –  8:15 a.m. - Registration and Continental Breakfast

Santa Cruz Room
1395 Brickell Avenue

8:15 – 11:30 a.m. - Presentations and Discussion 

Supporting Organizations:
CAMACOL, Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Florida, Inc., Georgetown University Club of Miami, Haitian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida, Inter-American Chapter of the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, Interamerican Institute for Democracy, Oxford University Society of Florida, Peruvian American Chamber of Commerce, University of Miami Center for International Business and Education Research (CIBER), Uruguayan American Chamber of Commerce (Florida), Inc. and Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce

Media Partners: 
AméricaEconomía, Hispanic Target Magazine, Latin Business Chronicle, LATIN TRADE, Latinvex and WorldCity

Program Fee:  $60; Academics and students – free admission with valid ID
Two ways to register:

1)      To register and pay by check, cash or as a guest (academics and students with valid I.D.):
Email registration form to or fax registration form to (305) 284-9871.
Payment by check:  Make check payable to Center for Hemispheric Policy. Mail check with registration form to:
Center for Hemispheric Policy; P.O. Box 248297; Coral Gables, FL 33124-6535.
Cancellation Policy: By email, fax or telephone, by 12:00 p.m., Thursday, February 19, 2015.

2)      To register and pay by credit card:  Submit your registration and credit card information by clicking on the “Register and Pay with Credit Card” link for this program listing on the CHP website.
Cancellation and Credit Card Refund Policy: Registration fees are refundable by sending the “Cancellation Request Form” by email or fax by 12:00 p.m., Thursday, February 19, 2015. No refunds will be issued after that time. Credit card refunds are processed within two weeks.

For more information, please call Michael Graybeal at (305) 284-9918, or visit our website at

Registration Form

(281B) Energy Outlook for the Americas: Volatile Global Markets and the Impact on the Region— Friday, February 20, 2015

Name                                                                                                Title  



City                                                                                                  State                                    Zip

Telephone                                                                                       Fax                                       Email

Payment method:                                                                           by mail                                 at door            

Monday, January 12, 2015

Preparándonos adecuadamente (Por: Ricardo Tribín Acosta)

E   N     M   I     O   P   I    N   I   O   N

No que va, dice el pequeño implicado; yo no quiero estudiar puesto que en el futuro voy a ser esto o aquello, sin precisar cómo es que lo va a lograr. Y ya adulto, el ser humano le saca el bulto a la responsabilidad evitando o protestando cuando le toca hacer algún curso o especialización que su trabajo le exige. Y es que el prepararse, a la mar de conveniente, no es tarea fácil, ya que requiere de un esfuerzo individual el que quizás se ve a ratos como un imposible.

De lo anterior se agrega el cuán importante resulta también ser  responsables de nuestras fallas y equivocados procederes, agregando con énfasis lo que dijo Benjamín Franklin “Cuando fallamos en prepararnos, nos preparamos para fallar”, implicando esto que, quien no se capacita y prepara adecuadamente, perfectamente se podrá clasificar en la categoría de los “no se puede”.

Por eso, cuando los padres le digan al niño “estudie mijito para que cuando grande no sea un ignorante”, este, sin refunfuñar, debería estar dispuesto a responder, como en épocas de antaño  “Si señor, o si señora”, sin mayor preámbulo o discusión, derivándose de ahí una vocación necesaria para su paso por la vida.

Miami, Enero 10 de 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Crimes against Children : FIU

                 Visit:  for more information

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

NAFTA at 30: The Next Decade (University of Miami, January 30, 2015)


NAFTA at 30: The Next Decade


Laura Dawson
Dawson Strategic
Ottawa, Canada

Luz María de la Mora
Mexico Program
WEConnect International
Mexico City, Mexico

Jeffrey Schott
Senior Fellow
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Washington, D.C.

In Collaboration with the Consulate General of Canada in Miami
and the Consulate General of Mexico in Miami

Friday, January 30, 2015

Conrad Miami
8:00 –  8:15 a.m. - Registration and Continental Breakfast

Santa Cruz Room
1395 Brickell Avenue

8:15 – 10:00 a.m. - Presentations and Discussion 

Supporting Organizations:
CAMACOL, Economic Development and International Trade Unit of Miami Dade, Enterprise Florida, Inc., Georgetown University Club of Miami, Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, Inter-American Chapter of the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce,  OWIT (Organization of Women in International Trade) - South Florida, Oxford University Society of Florida, University of Miami Center for International Business and Education Research (CIBER), Uruguayan American Chamber of Commerce (Florida) Inc. and Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce

Media Partners: 
AméricaEconomía, Hispanic Target Magazine, Latin Business Chronicle, LATIN TRADE, Latinvex and WorldCity


Program Fee:  $40; Academics and students – free admission with valid ID
Two ways to register:

1)      To register and pay by check, cash or as a guest (academics and students with valid I.D.):
Email registration form to or fax registration form to (305) 284-9871.
Payment by check:  Make check payable to Center for Hemispheric Policy. Mail check with registration form to:
Center for Hemispheric Policy; P.O. Box 248297; Coral Gables, FL 33124-6535.
Cancellation Policy: By email, fax or telephone, by 12:00 p.m., Thursday, January 29, 2015.

2)      To register and pay by credit card:  Submit your registration and credit card information by clicking on the “Register and Pay with Credit Card” link for this program listing on the CHP website.
Cancellation and Credit Card Refund Policy: Registration fees are refundable by sending the “Cancellation Request Form” by email or fax by 12:00 p.m., Thursday, January 29, 2015. No refunds will be issued after that time. Credit card refunds are processed within two weeks.

For more information, please call Michael Graybeal at (305) 284-9918, or visit our website at

Registration Form

(278B) NAFTA at 30: The Next Decade— Friday, January 30, 2015

Name                                                                                                Title  



City                                                                                                  State                                    Zip

Telephone                                                                                       Fax                                       Email

Payment method:                                                                           by mail                                 at door